World Archives Project: USHMM - Kraków, Poland, ID Card Applications for Jews During WWII, 1940-1941 (Part 7)

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About this project This project is the last of the Krakow collection - part 7 of 7. You can search the records we have on Ancestry for the Kraków, Poland, ID Card Applications for Jews During WWII, 1940-1941 (USHMM) collection here.

This collection contains records from the Stadthauptmann in Kraków, including questionnaires, identification cards, and administrative records. They are primarily in Polish.


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Project Instructions This collection contains records from Kraków, including address registration and verification forms that reflect changes of address due to the creation and closing of the Kraków Ghetto. Cards of Jewish residents indicate previous address in Kraków or surrounding areas and current address in the Kraków ghetto. Other registration cards show previous and current addresses of non-Jews who moved out of the area used to establish the ghetto or who moved into apartments vacated by Jews forced into the ghetto.

The German army occupied Kraków in the first week of September 1939. In May 1940 the Germans began to expel Jews from Kraków to the neighboring countryside and required them to report for forced labor by October 1940. By March 1941, the SS and police had expelled more than 55,000 Jews, and about 15,000 Jews remained in Kraków.

In early March 1941, German officials ordered the establishment of a ghetto located in the south of Kraków. Between 15,000 and 20,000 Jews lived within the ghetto boundaries. The SS and police liquidated the Kraków ghetto on March 13-14, 1943, fulfilling Himmler's order in October 1942 to complete the murder of Jews residing in the Generalgouvernement, incarcerating those whose labor was still required in forced-labor camps.

The records are primarily in Polish.

Form Types

There is a wide variety of records included in this collection. Some records are consistent and well-formed, which can be easily identified with the corresponding form types - we will be keying more information from these records. The other records will be classified as "Miscellaneous Documents" with minimum information being keyed. Generally you will be keying the primary name found at the top of each record.

There are more form types to choose from than we usually have for World Archives Projects. This is because we thought it important to specifically identify some documents (such as residence requests, ID cards, and resettlement cards) due to what happened to the Jewish community in Kraków. Some of these forms look very similar to each other, so please read the form type descriptions carefully and view the sample images on the wiki page for help in determining correct form types.

Keying the Documents

You may receive an image set that consists of several images in a row regarding the same primary individual. Unless you encounter duplicates each image should be keyed.

On miscellaneous records, key each easily identifiable person listed on the image as a unique record. Exceptions to this are listed below:

For records such as correspondence, biographies, narratives, or other documents that do not consist of pre-printed forms and would otherwise require translating and reading through a block of text, only key the name of the primary individual, which should appear at the top of the page or somewhere near the beginning of the text. Do not key any other names mentioned in the document. Do not key the names of government or other officials as the goal is to capture information about the people whom the document is about, not the people who administered or signed the documents. Many names and locations will contain diacritics. Key those as seen using the "Insert international characters" icon located directly above the keying grid and directly below the image or use the Ctrl+F12 shortcut.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Miscellaneous Documents
Name List
Police Log
Population Card Page 1
Population Card Page 2
Residence Questionnaire Page 1
Residence Questionnaire Page 2
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data

Miscellaneous Documents

KrakowIDApp MicsDoc.jpg

Choose the "Miscellaneous Documents" form type for records or documents that do not fall into one of the other pre-defined form types, but has names that should be keyed. We are only keying the primary individual on this form type.

Document Place

Key the document place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

Document place is the place the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page near the document place. Document place will usually be "Krakau."

Document Day

Key the day from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Document Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the document date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

Key the year from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods.

In some cases a given name may be clearly indicated by the words "Vorname," "Vor-," "Name," or "An den(die) Juden." In other cases, it may appear in a section labeled "betrifft," which means "subject."


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

In some cases a surname may be clearly indicated by the words "Zuname," "Zu-," "Familienname," "Name," or "An den (die) Juden." In other cases, it may appear in a section labeled "betrifft," which means "subject."

Maiden Name

For women, key the maiden name when given, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Keying Image Sample

Name List

KrakowIDApp NameList.jpg

Choose the "Name List" form type for images that contain a list of individuals with various information depending on the type of list. Key each person as a unique record. Some lists may not have column headers. Key as much information as you are able. If a column appears to contain a place with a number, key this as street address.

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number from the column labeled "Kennkarten Nr." The ID card number is typically five digits, including leading zeros. Key the number as seen.


Key the surname from the column labeled "Name" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. The surname is usually listed before the given name and may be printed in all caps or with extra spacing between each letter. Do not key the spaces or the capitalization. Key the name using proper casing and spacing.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the column labeled "Name" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. Typically the surname is written first, then the given name(s).


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.

Street Address

Key the street address as seen on the record. The street address usually includes a place name associated with a street number. For example, if this field says "Krakau, Wolnica 5," you would key "Wolnica 5" into this field and "Krakau" should have been keyed in the residence location field. If a period appears in an address, do not key the period and put a space instead. Slashes in address should be keyed. Example: "Pförtnerstr.11/5" should be keyd as "Pförtnerstr 11/5".

Residence Location

Key the residence location as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

Keying Image Sample

Police Log

KrakowIDApp PoliceLog.jpg

Choose the "Police Log" form type for images with "Polizeiliche Abmeldung" or "Polizeiliche Anmeldung" at the top of the image in bold lettering.

Additional Image Sample

Document Day

Key the day from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Document Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the document date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

Key the year from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Residence Location

Key the residence location as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Residence location may be found on the line named "aus" or "zugezogen nach do". If there are two locations on the line, key both of them into this field separated by a comma.

Street Address

Key the street address as seen on the record. The street address usually includes a place name associated with a street number. Key both the place name and number into this field. Street address may be found on the line named "Strasse Ulica," "Nr. If a period appears in an address, do not key the period and put a space instead. Slashes in address should be keyed. Example: "Pförtnerstr.11/5" should be keyd as "Pförtnerstr 11/5".


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Surname may be found in the column labeled "Name" or Nazwisko".


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Given name may be found in the column labeled "Vornamen," or "Imiona".


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found in the column labeled "Geburts".

Birth Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the birth date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found in the column labeled "Geburts".

Months in German and Polish:
1 - I - Januar - Stycz
2 - II - Februar - Luty
3 - III - März - Mar
4 - IV - April - Kwiec
5 - V - Mai - Maj
6 - VI - Juni - Czerw
7 - VII - Juli - Lip
8 - VIII - August - Sierp
9 - IX - September - Wrzes
10 - X - Oktober - Paźdz
11 - XI - November - Listop
12 - XII - Dezember - Grudz

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found in the column labeled "Geburts".

Birth Location

Key the birth location as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth place may be found in the column labeled "Geburtsort".


Key the race as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found in the column labeled "Staatsangehorigkeit."


Key the occupation as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found in the column labeled "Beruf."

Marital Status

Key the marital status from the field or column labeled "Familienstand." In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out. The status not crossed out is the one that should be keyed. Key the word in full, using the provided drop-down list and the list below to help you determine which word corresponds to which abbreviation. If an entry cannot be determined to match with one of the provided dictionary options, key the marital status as seen.

Key the word shown in bold:
Single - led. - ledig
Married - verh. - verheiratet
Widowed - verw. - verwitwet
Divorced - gesch. - geschieden
Living apart - lebt getrennt


Key the religion as seen on the record. Religion may be found in the column labeled "Religion", or "Religia".

ID Card Number

Key the ID Card Number as seen on the record. ID card number may be found in the column labeled "Nummer des Ausweises Numer Dowodu."

ID Issued Day

Key the day from the ID Issued date as seen on the record. ID Issued date is usually written in day-month-year format. ID card date may be found in the column labeled "Datum der Ausstellung Data wystawienia."

ID Issued Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the ID Issued date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. ID Issued date is usually written in day-month-year format. ID card date may be found in the column labeled "Datum der Ausstellung Data wystawienia."

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

ID Issued Year

Key the year from the ID Issued date as seen on the record. ID Issued date is usually written in day-month-year format. ID card date may be found in the column labeled "Datum der Ausstellung Data wystawienia."

Keying Image Sample

Population Card Page 1

KrakowIDApp PopulationCardPage1.JPG

Choose the "Population Card Page 1" form type for images with "Nr. księgi kontroli ruchu ludności" near the top right of the image. These images usually have the alphabet across the top. Including the primary person, these images usually list a spouse and children. Key each person as an individual record with their relation to the primary person (head of household). The head of household information is in the column labeled "Mezczyzna," and the spouse's information in the column labeled "Kobieta."


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Including the primary person, these images may list the primary persons parents, spouse, the spouse's parents and children. Key each person as an individual record with their relation to the primary person (head of household).

Surnames for each person in the household may be found in the following places:

  • Head of House & Spouse: Next to the word "Nazwisko" in the top right of the image. Spouse maiden name will be keyed in Maiden Name field.
  • Father & Mother to Head: In the row labeled "Imiona rodzicow;" In the column labeled "Mezczyzna."
    • Father & Mother to the head will be keyed as a separate record with only a relationship.
  • Father & Mother in Law to Head: In the row labeled "Imiona rodzicow;" In the column labeled "Kobieta."
    • Father & Mother in Law to the head will be keyed as a separate record with only a relationship.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Including the primary person, these images may list the primary persons parents, spouse, the spouse's parents and children. Key each person as an individual record with their relation to the primary person (head of household).

Given names for each person in the household may be found in the following places:

  • Head of House: In the row labeled "Imiona;" In the column labeled "Mezczyzna."
  • Spouse to Head: In the row labeled "Imiona;" In the column labeled "Kobieta."
  • Father & Mother to Head: In the row labeled ""Imiona rodzicow;" In the column labeled "Mezczyzna."
    • Father & Mother to the head will be keyed as a separate record with only a relationship.
  • Father & Mother in Law to Head: In the row labeled "Imiona rodzicow;" In the column labeled "Kobieta."
    • Father & Mother in Law to the head will be keyed as a separate record with only a relationship.
  • Children to Head: In the column located in the bottom left of the image labeled "Imiona."


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.

Maiden Name

For women, key the maiden name when given, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. When present, Maiden name will typically be found on the second line within the box where you will find the spouse name.

Relation to Head

Key the relationship to the head of household as seen using this dictionary provided for assistance. The relationship may be determined according to the context of the individual you are keying. For example, if the head has a spouse being keyed, the relation to head for the spouse will be "Spouse." The following relationships will be used.

  • Head
  • Spouse
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Father-in-Law
  • Mother-in-Law
  • Child


Key the occupation as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found next to the words "Zawod i stanowisko w zawodzie."

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth dates for the head and spouse may be found in the row labeled "Urodzil (a) sie:." Birth dates for children may be found in the column labeled "Data i miejsce urodzenia."

Birth Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the birth date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth dates for the head and spouse may be found in the row labeled "Urodzil (a) sie:." Birth dates for children may be found in the column labeled "Data i miejsce urodzenia."

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth dates for the head and spouse may be found in the row labeled "Urodzil (a) sie:." Birth dates for children may be found in the column labeled "Data i miejsce urodzenia."

Birth Location

Key the birth location as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth locations for the head and spouse may be found in the row labeled "Miejsce urodzenia." Birth locations for children may be found in the column labeled "Data i miejsce urodzenia." Birth Location for each child is typically located directly below their birth date.

Marital Status

Key the marital status for the Head of Household only from the field labeled "Stan Cywilny." In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out. The status not crossed out is the one that should be keyed. Key the word in full, using the provided drop-down list to help you. If an entry cannot be determined to match with one of the provided dictionary options, key the marital status as seen.

ID Card Number

Key the ID Card Number as seen on the record. ID card may be found in the row labeled "Dowod osobisty."


Key the nationality for the Head of Household only as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found near the words "Przynaleznosc panstwowa."

Keying Image Sample

Population Card Page 2

KrakowIDApp PopulationCardPage2.JPG

Choose the "Population Card Page 2" form type for images that have "Poprzednie miejsce zamieszkania" written in the top left corner of the image and "Data Skreslenia z rejestru" in the top right corner. These images will immediately follow "Population Card Page 1" form types.

Street Address

Key the last street address as seen on the record. The last address will be the address located at the bottom of a list of addresses. The street address usually includes a place name associated with a street number. Key both the place name and number into this field. Street address may be found in the column labeled "Ulica" and "Nr. domu." If a period appears in an address, do not key the period and put a space instead. Slashes in address should be keyed. Example: "Pförtnerstr.11/5" should be keyd as "Pförtnerstr 11/5".

Keying Image Sample

Residence Questionnaire Page 1

KrakowIDApp Questionaire Page1.jpg

Choose the "Residence Questionnaire Page 1" form type for images of small numbered cards. These cards usually have horizontal lines on them used to separate the numbered portions. "Residence Questionnaire Page 1" form types typically have written in bold lettering near the top something like the following: "Zgłoszenie Zmiany Miejsca Zamieszkania", "Karta Zameldowania", "Ankieta A", "Zgłoszenie Nowego Adresu Miejsca Zamieszkania". This is not an all inclusive list.

Document Place

Key the document place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

Document place is the place the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page near the document place. Document place will usually be "Krakau."

Street Address

Key the street address as seen on the record. The street address usually includes a place name associated with a street number. For example, if this field says "Krakau, Wolnica 5," you would key "Wolnica 5" into this field and "Krakau" should have been keyed in the residence location field. If a period appears in an address, do not key the period and put a space instead. Slashes in address should be keyed. Example: "Pförtnerstr.11/5" should be keyd as "Pförtnerstr 11/5".

Street address may be found at the top of the image next to the word "ul."


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record. Surname may be found next to the word "Nazwisko."

When keying Mother or Father, the name may be found next to the word "Imiona Rodzicow."


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Given name may be found next to the word "Imiona."

When keying Mother or Father, the name may be found next to the word "Imiona Rodzicow."


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.

Maiden Name

Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Maiden name will only be found for the mother of the primary person. When present, her maiden name may be found on the line labeled "i nazwisko panienskie matki." The maiden name can also come after just the letter "z".

Relation to Head

Key the relationship to the head of household as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

Key the following relations:

  • Father
  • Mother


Key the occupation as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found near the word "Zawod."

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found next to the word "Urodzil."

Birth Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the birth date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found next to the word "Urodzil."

Months in German and Polish:
1 - I - Januar - Stycz
2 - II - Februar - Luty
3 - III - März - Mar
4 - IV - April - Kwiec
5 - V - Mai - Maj
6 - VI - Juni - Czerw
7 - VII - Juli - Lip
8 - VIII - August - Sierp
9 - IX - September - Wrzes
10 - X - Oktober - Paźdz
11 - XI - November - Listop
12 - XII - Dezember - Grudz

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date is usually written in day-month-year format. Birth date may be found next to the word "Urodzil."

Birth Location

Key the birth location as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth location may be found next to the word "Urodzil."

Marital Status

Key the marital status as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Marital status may be found next to the words "Stan Cywilny."


Key the religion as seen on the record. Religion may be found near the word "Wyznanie."


Key the race as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found near the words "Przynaleznosc Panstwowa."

Keying Image Sample

Residence Questionnaire Page 2

KrakowIDApp QuestionairePage2.jpg

Choose the "Residence Questionnaire Page 2" form type for the back side of "Residence Questionnaire Page 1" form types. These small numbered cards usually have horizontal lines on them used to separate the numbered portions. "Residence Questionnaire Page 2" images typically have numbers 10-18, 7-11 or similar numbering.

Document Day

Key the day from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Document Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the document date using the dictionary provided to assist you. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

Key the year from the document date as seen on the record. Document date is the date the document was signed or written and is not available on every image. It can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", "Am Dnia" or "Data."

Document date will usually appear in day-month-year format. If no document date appears, you may leave this field blank. If the date is in a range, key the most recent date.

Marital Status

Key the marital status as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Marital status may be found next to the words "Stan Cywilny."
Though the description of what to enter into the Marital Status field appears on the user interface labeled Residence ID Card page 2, the data may appear on page 1, number 9.


Key the race as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found near the words "Przynaleznosc Panstwowa."

Keying Image Sample


Choose the "Microfilm" form type for all images that contain information about the microfilm reel. These are images that were introduced to the collection when it was microfilmed, and are not part of the registers. See the wiki page for examples.

Cover page, Section header, etc

Use the "Cover page, Section header, etc' form type for images that do not contain data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide context for the image set. Example: historical notes, affidavits, etc.

Image with no data

Use the 'Image with no data' form type for images that do not contain data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. Example: An image containing a blank background.