World Archives Project: USHMM - Czechoslovakia, Selected Jewish Holocaust Records, 1942-1945

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Records include name lists of Jews whose property was confiscated by the state, lists of the "Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia," name lists from Theresienstadt, and index cards.

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Project Overview

Project Instructions The majority of records in this collection will consist of name lists, though other types of records may be interspersed throughout.

Many images consist of two documents or pages. If the same individual appears on multiple documents within an image, key the name only once while keying the remaining information from wherever it may appear on the image. Key any other names, such as family members, as unique records. For example, if a document has information regarding a husband, wife, and children, key all of their names as separate records, as well as any other corresponding information available.

If an entry contains the word "ditto", the abbreviation "do" or "dto", or ditto marks, copy the information down from the previous entry.

When keying from documents that are mostly text (i.e. correspondence, biographies, narratives, etc.), key all victims' names that appear. Some reading (or translation) may be required to find each name. An event date (which may be available near the top or bottom of the page) and birth information may be found within the first few sentences of a paragraph or somewhere near each name. Note that the primary individual is typically found on the first page if there are multiple pages on an image.

Important: Do not key the names of government or other officials as the goal is to capture information about the people for whom the document is about (survivors and victims of the Holocaust), and not the people who administered or signed the documents.

Many names and locations will contain diacritics. Key those as seen using the "Insert international characters" button located directly above the keying grid and directly below the image.

Project Form Types and Field Helps
Selected Records
Cover page, Section header, etc.
Image with no data

Selected Records

Choose the "Selected Records" form type for images with names to key.

Note: Form type image examples will not be provided to assist in keying.

Selected Records Keying Instructions


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Avoid keying the names of officials, i.e. magistrates, government officials, etc. Key the names of persons who appear to be victims or survivors.

When keying from documents that are mostly text (i.e. correspondence), victims' names are typically in all caps or typed with a space between each letter. Some reading (or translation) may be required to find each name.

The following words in Czech or German may help in identifying names:

English Czech German
Given Jméno, Jména Vorname
Surname Příjmení Familienname, Zuname
Was arrested Byl Zatcen Wurde verhaftet
Subject Vec Betrifft
About, Concerning O, Pokud jde o Über
The Jews, Of the Jews Dem Juden, Des Juden


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of each person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Key initials with a space between them. Avoid keying the names of officials, i.e. magistrates, government officials, etc. Key the names of persons who appear to be victims or survivors.

When keying from documents that are mostly text (i.e. correspondence), victims' names are typically in all caps or typed with a space between each letter. Some reading (or translation) may be required to find each name.

The following words in Czech or German may help in identifying names:

English Czech German
Given Jméno, Jména Vorname
Surname Příjmení Familienname, Zuname
Was arrested Byl Zatcen Wurde verhaftet
Subject Vec Betrifft
About, Concerning O, Pokud jde o Über
The Jews, Of the Jews Dem Juden, Des Juden


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.

Maiden Name

Occasionally an alternate surname may be recorded for an individual. This name is denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or may be preceded by the abbreviations and words "nee," "rozená," "rozené," "roz.," "geb." and "geboren." Key the alias surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.

Residence Place

Key the residence place as seen on the record. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Residence place may be an address, city, region, or other jurisdiction.

Residence place may be identified by words such as "Bytem," "Adresa," "Ve Velké Vísce," "Okr," "Nynejsi pobyt" or "Wohnort."

If a street address and city or district of residence are listed in separate fields, only key the city and/or district as the residence and do not key the street address.

When keying Prague (Prag or Praha), be sure to also key the accompanying Roman numeral, if present, which indicates the section of Prague from which the person is from.

Birth Day

Key the day in its numerical form from the birth date. The word "Day" may be identified by the words "Den," "Dne," or "On." When present, birth date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

Birth date may appear near the following words which mean "was born," "born" or "birth."

  • Nar.
  • Narodil
  • Narození
  • Narozený
  • Rodný
  • Geb.
  • Geboren

Birth Month

Key the month as an abbreviation from the birth date using the dictionary provided for assistance. The word month may be identified by the words "Měsíc," "Matka," "Matky" or "Monat." When present, birth date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

Birth date may appear near the following words which mean "was born," "born" or "birth."

  • Nar.
  • Narodil
  • Narození
  • Narozený
  • Rodný
  • Geb.
  • Geboren

Months in Czech and German (Key what is in bold)

English Czech German
Jan leden - led Januar - Jan
Feb únor - ún Februar - Feb
Mar březen - břez März - März
Apr duben - dub April - Apr
May květen - květ Mai - Mai
Jun červen - červ Juni - Juni
Jul červenec - červen Juli - Juli
Aug srpen - srp August - Aug
Sep září - září September - Sept
Oct říjen - ríj Oktober - Okt
Nov listopad - list November - Nov
Dec prosinec - pros Dezember - Dez

Birth Year

Key the year in its numerical form from the birth date. The word year may be identified by the words "rok," "roky," "roků" or "Jahr." When present, birth date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

Birth date may appear near the following words which mean "was born," "born" or "birth."

  • Nar.
  • Narodil
  • Narození
  • Narozený
  • Rodný
  • Geb.
  • Geboren

Birth Place

Key the birth place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Birth place may be an address, city, region, or other jurisdiction. Birthplace may appear after or before the birthdate when present. Birth place may appear near the following words which mean "was born," "born" or "birth."

  • Nar.
  • Narodil
  • Narození
  • Narozený
  • Rodný
  • Geb.
  • Geboren

Other key words or abbreviations to look for

Where Kde
Birthplace Rodiště
Place, Locality Místo
Community, Communities Obec, Obce
District Okres
In V
From, Of Z - Ze
In In

Event Day

Key the day in its numerical form from the event date. When present, event date is the date the event recorded took place. When the event date pertains to the entire image, it can typically be found at the top or bottom of the image. If there is an event date for the entire image and for each individual record, key the event date in the record.

Event date may be found after the words "Dne," "Am" or "Den," and often follows a place name. If there is an unlabeled date for each name on an image, and it is not clear what the date refers to, key as the event date. Event date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available.

Example format of an event date for a correspondence: V Praze dne 9.dubna 1941 V (place) dne (day-month-year)

Event Month

Key the month as an abbreviation from the event date using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, event date is the date the event recorded took place. When the event date pertains to the entire image, it can typically be found at the top or bottom of the image. If there is an event date for the entire image and for each individual record, key the event date in the record.

Event date may be found after the words "Dne," "Am" or "Den," and often follows a place name. If there is an unlabeled date for each name on an image, and it is not clear what the date refers to, key as the event date. Event date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available.

Example format of an event date for a correspondence: V Praze dne 9.dubna 1941 V (place) dne (day-month-year)

Months in Czech and German (Key what is in bold)

English Czech German
Jan leden - led Januar - Jan
Feb únor - ún Februar - Feb
Mar březen - břez März - März
Apr duben - dub April - Apr
May květen - květ Mai - Mai
Jun červen - červ Juni - Juni
Jul červenec - červen Juli - Juli
Aug srpen - srp August - Aug
Sep září - září September - Sept
Oct říjen - ríj Oktober - Okt
Nov listopad - list November - Nov
Dec prosinec - pros Dezember - Dez

Event Year

Key the year in its numerical form from the event date. When present, event date is the date the event recorded took place. When the event date pertains to the entire image, it can typically be found at the top or bottom of the image. If there is an event date for the entire image and for each individual record, key the event date in the record.

Event date may be found after the words "Dne," "Am" or "Den," and often follows a place name. If there is an unlabeled date for each name on an image, and it is not clear what the date refers to, key as the event date. Event date will typically appear in day-month-year format.

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available.

Example format of an event date for a correspondence: V Praze dne 9.dubna 1941 V (place) dne (day-month-year)

Event Place

Key the event place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma.

When present, event place is the place where the event recorded took place. When the event place pertains to the entire image, it can typically be found at the top or bottom of the image. If there is an event place for the entire image and for each individual record, key the event place in the record.

If there is an unlabeled place for each name on an image, and it is not clear what the place refers to, key as the event place.


Key the age as seen at the time the record was recorded. If present, age may be found next to the word "Alter" or "Věk." Note: Be careful not to key birth years as ages. Some years may be appear as 2-digit numbers. Only key numbers as ages if they are clearly marked or can reasonably be interpreted as ages.

Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" or certain acceptable fractions for ages displayed in months only. If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, "10 years, 7 months" would be keyed as "10". If an age includes both a year and a fraction, key only the year. For example, "3 3/12" would be keyed as "3". If an age appears only in months, key age as a fraction. For example, "7 Months" would be keyed as "7/12" and "18 Months" would be keyed as "18/12". If an age is expressed in weeks, days, or hours, "0" (zero) should be keyed as the age. For example, "3 weeks" would be keyed as "0" and "8 weeks" would be keyed as "0".

Cover page, Section header, etc.

Use the 'Cover page, Section header, etc' type for images that don't contain any data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide some type of context for the image set. For instance, historical notes, affidavits, and so forth.

Image with no data

Use the 'Image with no data' type for images that don't contain any data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. For instance, an image containing only the blank background or an image with a microfilm target on it.