World Archives Project: Mecklenburg-Schwerin Census, 1919

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AWAP 32011 - Ortslistcoverpage.jpg
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About this project The 1919 census divulges names, birth dates, birth places, and relationships in the former province of Mecklenburg-Schwerin which today is part of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern area. The images are legible and uniform making the project difficulty level at Average.

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Learn to Read Sütterlin

Here are some simple translations you might find helpful:
Vorname = Given name
Familienname = Surname
Männlich = Male
Weiblich = Female
Geburts = Birth
Tag =Day
Monat = Month
Jahr = Year

Should I translate any of the fields into English?

No, all of the fields will be entered in German - as they appear on the record. The Gender and
Birth Month fields are the main fields you will notice in German.

When you are entering the information from the record take care to use the diacritics as they
appear on the record. You can add international characters by clicking on the International Character button - an "n".

Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Orts List Cover Page
Orts List
Household List Cover Page
Household List
Volume Cover Page

Lern Sütterin (Deutsch)

Orts List Cover Page

Orts list cover page. Recognizable by the words "Muster 2"

This form is easily recognized by the "Muster 2" in the upper right hand corner and the heading "Orts= (Zählbezirks=) Liste".

Volume Number

Key the Volume Number found below the letters NR. If a letter follows the number the letter must also be keyed, without spaces.
See Example

Orts List

Orts List

The Orts List displays head of household names which are not being keyed. The other columns are tallies. The only data being keyed from these images is the Volume Number. This form type can be easily distinguished from the Household List as the names on the Household List appear in Given and Surname columns; whereas, on the Orts List the head of household name is only in one column.

Volume Number

Key the Volume Number found below the letters NR. If the number is followed by a letter, the letter must also be keyed, without spaces.
See Example

Household List Cover Page

Household list cover page. Recognizable by "Muster 1"

This form is easily recognizable by the "Muster 1" in the upper left corner and the heading "Haushaltungsliste". Only the Volume Number will be keyed from these images.

Volume Number

Key the Volume Number found below the letters NR. If a letter follows the number this letter must also be keyed, without spaces.
See Example

Household List

Household List

These images display the Given, Surname, Relationship, Gender, Birth Date, Birth Location, Birth District, and Volume Number fields in pre-printed columns.

Volume Number

Key the Volume Number found below the letters NR. If the number is followed by a letter, the letter must also be keyed.
See Example


Capture the Given name from Column 1 "Vorname" using the drop-down list provided for assistance in capturing a name. If a name does not appear in the list then key the name as seen. Mark the field blank if no Given name appears on the record.
See Example


Capture the Surname found in Column 2 "Familienname" using the drop-down list provided for assistance in capturing a name. If a name does not appear in the list then key the name as seen. Key all diacritics and carry down the entry from the previous record if any form of ditto marks appear. Mark the field blank if no Surname appears on the record. On the rare occurrence where the maiden name is displayed as MARRIED geb MAIDEN, key the individual first with the married and then again but with the maiden.
See Example


Capture the Relationship found in Column 3 "Stellung im Haushalt" using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If the Relationship is not found in the list then key the Relationship as seen. Mark the field blank if no Relationship appears on the record.
See Example


Column 4 "Geschlecht" is separated into two sub-columns for male "männlich" and female "weiblich". A mark is entered into one of the columns to indicate if the person of record is male or female. Sometimes männlich or weiblich may be written out or abbreviated in the columns. Using the drop-down list provided capture if the person of record is Männlich or Weiblich. If no Gender is given on the record then mark the field blank.
See Example

Birth Date

Column 6 "Geburts-" is separated into three sub-columns to accommodate the date of birth. The first column "Tag" is for the Day, the second column "Monat" for the Month, and the third column "Jahr" for the Year.

  • Day

Capture the Day for this field. Mark the field blank if no Day appears on the record.
See Example

  • Month

Capture the Month which appears as a number using the drop-down list provided for assistance. Key the whole alpha form of the Month - say 2, II and Feb should be keyed as Februar. Mark the field blank if no Month appears on the record.
See Example

  • Year

Capture the Year which may be in either a two-digit or four-digit form. Key as seen. Mark the field blank if no Year appears on the record.
See Example

Birth Place

Column 7 "Geburtsort" is separated into two sub-columns for birth information. The first column "Name des Geburtsorts" is for the Birth Location. The second column "Amt, Kreis oder sonstiger obrigkeitlicher Bezirk" is for the Birth District.

  • Location

Using the provided drop-down list capture the Birth Location. If the location is not included in the drop-down list then key the location as seen. If the Birth Location is empty for the record then mark the field blank. If the birth location is written across "Geburtsort" and "Kreis, Amt..", key into the column "Geburtsort" and again into "Amt, Kreis....
See Example

  • District

Using the provided drop-down list capture the Birth District but if the district does not appear in the list then key the Birth District as seen. If the Birth District is empty for the record then mark the field blank.
See Example

Volume Cover Page

Volume Cover Page
Volume Cover Page

This form is recognizable by the words "Neue Akte" and, often but not always, the Volume Number appears in two places: the top of the images just below the letters "NR" and handwritten in the lower right corner.

Volume Number

Key the Volume Number found below the letters NR. If a number is followed by a letter, the letter must also be keyed without spaces.
See Example

Other cover pages and section headers

Use the "Cover page, Section header, etc." type for these images as they don't contain any data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide some type of context for the image set. For instance, historical notes, affidavits, and so forth.

Instructions for Orts lists
Instructions for Household lists