World Archives Project: Mayflower, Deeds and Probate, 1600-1850

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About this project This collection contains extracts from deed, probate, estate, and will information from Mayflower families and their descendants. We will be keying name, date, and place information.

Need help keying this project?

Project Instructions
This collection contains extracts from deed, probate, and other legal documents from Mayflower families and their descendants. We will be keying name, date, and place information.

Although there are multiple types of entries, all keying will be done into a single form type, "Records."

For Will, Probate, and Estate record types, only the primary person will be keyed. These record types typically come in the form of "[Event Type] of [Given] [SURNAME] of [Residence Location] <Record Place> ... dated [Record Date]."

For Will record types only, sometimes a separate Probate date is listed. Key any year from this Probate Date into the Probate Year field. This field will only be used when the Event Type is Will.

For Deed record types all principal persons involved in the transaction will be keyed, each as an individual record. This record type typically appears in the form of "[Given] [SURNAME] of [Residence Location] to [Given] [Surname] of [Residence Location] <Record Place> ... dated [Record Date]." The Record Place and Record Date will be the same for both records.

For Guardianship record types we are keying the name of the minor who is being assigned a guardian. This record type typically appears in the form of "Guardianship of [Given] [SURNAME] of [Residence Location] <Record Place> ... dated [Record Date]."

On some probate records the surname of the individual will appear in the underlined title at the top of the list of names. This surname should be keyed to every record that it applies to.

If it is not stated or unclear what event type the record is, then mark the Event Type as Not Stated.

If a year range is given, key the latest year.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data


Choose the Records form type for images which contain keyable name, place, and date information.

Additional Image Samples

Event Type

Key the Event Type of the record using the dictionary provided. Allowable event types include, Deed, Estate, Guardianship, Not Stated, Probate, or Will.


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen. On birth and death records "stillborn", "child", "unknown", or "not stated" may appear. Key these as prefixes. If "child of Peter Pan" appears, key the complete phrase into the prefix field unless there is a father name field. If there is a father field, key "child of" as a prefix then key the father name as Peter Pan.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person to whom the record pertains using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.


Key the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.

Alias Surname

Key any Alias Surname which appears. Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or may be preceded by the abbreviation "for" or the words "nee" or "formerly". All the rules for keying a primary name should also be followed for keying any alias name.

Record Day

Key the day of the event date from the first date encountered.

Record Month

Key the Month of the event date in its three-letter abbreviation from the first date encountered using a dictionary if provided for assistance.

Record Year

Key the two or four digit number designated as the year of the event date from the first date encountered. If a year range is given, key the latest year.
See Example

Record Place

Key the place where the deed, will, probate, or estate was filed. This field is normally found within angled brackets, such as <Boston>.

Key multiple locations seperated by a comma, such as "Newport, Rhode Island".

Probate Year

Key the two or four digit number designated as the probate year on Will Event Types. This field will not appear in all Will records, but when it does normally appears following the abreviation "Pr." If a year range is given, key the latest year.

Residence Location

Key the residence location of the Primary person listed. It is normally found in the form of "John Smith of [Residence Location]. If a location does not appear in the dictionary, then key as seen. Separate geographical locations by a comma, for example "Newport, Rhode Island".

Keying Image Samples

Cover page, Section header, etc.

Mayflower Probate Cover page Sample 1.JPG

Use the 'Cover page, Section header, etc' type for images that don't contain any data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide some type of context for the image set. For instance, historical notes, affidavits, and so forth.

Additional Image Samples

Image with no data

Mayflower Probate No Data Sample 1.JPG

Use the 'Image with no data' type for images that don't contain any data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. For instance, an image containing only the blank background or an image with a microfilm target on it.