World Archives Project: Indiana, Quaker Meeting Directories, 1836-1921

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About this project These directories provide a list of members of various Society of Friends (Quaker) Meetings in Indiana and Ireland.

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Project Instructions This collection contains directories that provide a list of members of various Society of Friends (Quaker) Meetings in Indiana and Ireland.

We will be keying name, residence and birth information.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data


QuakerEarlham Directory 1.JPG

Choose the "Directory" form type for images containing names to be keyed. The wiki image samples will help in determining what to key.

Additional Image Samples


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. Key the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person to whom the record pertains using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in the dictionary then key the prefix as seen. Only prefix values should go in the prefix field.

Residence Place

Key the Residence Place using the dictionary provided for assistance. Do not key street addresses, intersections, or vague directions (such as "East of City"). If a residence place does not appear in the dictionary then key the city, town, county or state as seen. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: St Louis, Missouri

Birth Year

Key the four digit number designated as the birth year in the birth date. Only key the Birth Year when the year is clearly identified as the year of birth.  The majority of records will not contain birth year.

Keying Image Samples

Cover page, Section header, etc

QuakerEarlham Capture 1.JPG

Cover page, Section header, etc' type for images that don't contain any data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide some type of context for the image set. For instance, historical notes, affidavits, and so forth.

Additional Image Samples

Image with no data

QuakerEarlham Blank.JPG

Use the 'Image with no data' type for images that do not contain any data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. For instance, an image containing only a blank background.


QuakerEarlham Target.JPG

Choose "Target" form type when the image is of a color and/or grayscale target. Target images are used to determine focus and color balance in the initial digitizing process.