World Archives Project: Dorset, England, Quarter Session Order Books, 1625-1951

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About this project These are Quarter Session books containing information about various court orders. Documents are handwritten.

Project Instructions

The Dorset Quarter Session Order Books contain several handwritten court orders. The court orders vary in nature, but the majority of them are short orders, with several orders to a page. From these Books key all the names found to whom the order applies, excluding any court officials (this includes lawyers, bailiffs, and jurors) or judges that may appear, and date or location associated with the order.

These books are older and many are written in handwriting that is difficult to decipher. Extract what information you can from the records. Please do not mark illegible images as "Cover page, Section header, etc."

For images that contain court information, but have no names to be keyed, mark as "Order Book Without Names".

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Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Order Book Without Names
Orders Book

Order Book Without Names

Additional Sample Images

Choose this form type when the image is that of an Order Book, but there are no names to be keyed. This could include images with information about voting, or pamphlets concerning poor laws, or other information. Key the year from the date if it appears on the image.


Key the session using the dictionary for assistance. The session is when these particular court orders took place and correspond with specific times of the year. The session will not appear on all books. If the session does appear on an image, it will be located at the top of the page.
See Example

Event Day

Key the day of the event date as seen.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example

Event Month

Key the Month in the event date using the dictionary provided for assistance.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example

Event Year

Key the four digit number designated as the year in the event date.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example

Orders Book

Additional Sample Images

Choose the Order book form type for all images that have names to be keyed.

Event Day

Key the day of the event date as seen.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example

Event Month

Key the Month in the event date using the dictionary provided for assistance.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example

Event Year

Key the four digit number designated as the year in the event date.Many records will not have a date associated with it.
See Example


Key the session using the dictionary for assistance. The session is when these particular court orders took place and correspond with specific times of the year. The session will not appear on all books. If the session does appear on an image, it will be located at the top of the page.
See Example


Key each name on the page as a unique record, excluding the names of court officials and judges. Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using the provided dictionary for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example


Key all the names found to whom the order applies - generally the defendents. Key each name on the page as a unique record, excluding the names of court officials (lawyers, bailiffs and jury members) and judges. Key the first name or initial and any middle names of each person, using the provided dictionary for assistance. If a name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example


Key each name on the page as a unique record, excluding the names of court officials and judges. Key the surname of each person using the provided dictionary for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen. Infer surnames based off of the context of the record if a surname is not explicitly stated for an individual. Key the maiden name of a woman as her surname when given. Examples:If a record lists "Thomas Brady" and also lists "Thomas" as his father and "Mary" as his mother, infer the surname "Brady" for both his father and mother. If a record lists "John Smith and his wife Mary," infer "Smith" as Mary's surname.
See Example


Key each name on the page as a unique record, excluding the names of court officials and judges. Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the person, using the provided dictionary for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Event Location

Key the event location using the dictionary for assistance. If the event location is not in the dictionary, key as seen on the record. If the event location has more than one component, such as city and county, separate the two components with a comma. For example Dorchester, Dorset. Most records do not have an associated place. If a place shows up in the margin or at the top of the page and applies to more than one person on the image, key that place for each individual record to whom it applies.
See Example


Additional Sample Images

Choose this from type when the image is that of a list that gives page information. It will typically have alphabet tabs on the right side of the image.