World Archives Project: 1901 New South Wales, Australia, Census

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AWAP 32095 - Census 2.jpg
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About this project This collection of records for the 1901 NSW Australia census contains valuable genealogical information. The images are clear and the forms uniform. The project level is determined Easy as the handwriting is legible and the information wanted to be captured is easy to find and follow.

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Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.

Title Image
Here is an additional example of the Title Image form type and how it would be keyed. [[1]]

Here is an additional example of the Census form type and how it would be keyed. [[2]]

Here is an example of the Statistics form type and where to look for the data to be keyed. [[3]]

Title Image

The Title Pages may display the name "Collector's Book", Census District No, Name, and Sub-district along with the only field being captured from these images - Book No.


Key the Book number as seen.
See Example


These images display the header fields and record fields (Names).


Key the County found in the header information for each page using the drop-down list for assistance. If a County is not found in the list then key the County as seen. The County name can be found following the word "County" in the header. This county will apply to all the on the page. If no County appears then mark the field blank.
See Example

Sub District

Capture the Sub-District found in the header information of each page. Either a letter and/or a name will appear. Key this field as seen. If no Sub-District is given then mark the field blank.
See Example


Capture the Locality found in the header information for each image. There are four possible localities (borough, ward, township, or goldfield); however, only one will be captured in descending order. The first and foremost field to capture is the Borough, if it is given. If no Borough appears then the Ward. If no Ward then the Township. If no Township then the Goldfield. If all the possible localities fields are blank, mark the Locality field blank.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Mr", "Mrs", "Dr" or "Rev" in the Prefix field.
See Example

Given Name

Key the first name or initial with any middle names or initials using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a name does not appear in the drop-down list then key the name as seen. If no given names appear then mark the field blank.
See Example


Enter the Surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you. If no Surname appears then mark the field blank.
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example


These images usually display the title "Bureau of Statistics" and the fields-to-be-captured District and Item. No Names are displayed.


Capture the District name using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a District does not appear in the list then key it as seen. If no District appears then mark the field blank.
See Example


Capture the Item which is the Original Location. Key as seen. If no Item appears then leave the field blank.
See Example