Cotton County, Oklahoma

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Cotton is a county in Oklahoma. It was formed in 1912 from the following county/ies: Comanche. Cotton began keeping birth records in 1917, marriage records in 1912, and death records in 1918. It began keeping land records in 1912, probate records in 1912, and court records in 1912. For more information, contact the county at 201 N. Broadway St. Walters 73572. On the attached map, Cotton is located at F5.

For information about the state of Oklahoma see Oklahoma Family History Research.

The Counties and County Seats of Oklahoma

Counties of Oklahoma
Oklahoma sil.png

AdairAlfalfaAtokaBeaverBeckhamBlaineBryanCaddoCanadianCarterCherokeeChoctawCimarronClevelandCoalComancheCottonCraigCreekCusterDelawareDeweyEllisGarfieldGarvinGradyGrantGreerHarmonHarperHaskellHughesJacksonJeffersonJohnstonKayKingfisherKiowaLatimerLe FloreLincolnLoganLoveMcClainMcCurtainMcIntoshMajorMarshallMayesMurrayMuskogeeNobleNowataOkfuskeeOklahomaOkmulgeeOsageOttawaPawneePaynePittsburgPontotocPottawatomiePushmatahaRoger MillsRogersSeminoleSequoyahStephensTexasTillmanTulsaWagonerWashingtonWashitaWoodsWoodward