World Archives Project: USHMM - Romania, Selected Holocaust Records, 1940-1945

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About this project This collection contains selected records from the Romanian archives on persecution and emigration during the German occupation including name lists, registration cards, correspondence, etc. The majority of records are in Romanian with a few in Hungarian.

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Modern Romanian alphabet
A a Ă ă Â â B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i Î î J j K k

a ă â be ce de e ef ge has i î jî ca
L l M m N n O o P p R r S s Ș ș T t Ț ț U u V v X x Z z
el em en o pe er es șî te țî u ve ics zet
Q (chiu), W (dublu ve) and Y (i grec) are also used, but mainly in foreign loanwords

From USHMM catalog record:

Biographical/Historical Note: The collection relates to deportations of Roma, both nomadic and sedentary, to Transnistria between the spring and fall of 1942. Twenty-five thousand Roma, 11,000 of them nomadic and 13,000 sedentary, were sent via foot and cart (nomadic) and via train (sedentary) to Transnistria. About 11,000 perished there.

Scope and Content: This collection documents deportations of 25,000 Roma to Transnistria in 1942: contains lists of Roma to be deported; police reports concerning alleged criminal activities; petitions of deportees for repatriation; "Romanianization" of Romas' property; requests from local officials for clarification of deportation orders; internal correspondence concerning the effect of deportations on the remaining population; decisions regarding Roma refugees from Northern (Hungarian) Transylvania; and other topics such as typhus outbreaks, "vagabondism," "concubinism," and mixed marriages.

The first six reels also have documents from the Hungarian occupation of select cities in Northern Transylvania concerning Roma, such as quarantine for typhus, forced labor, and police investigations.

Keying the Documents

Because the records in this collection are so varied in type and information provided, only three form types will be identified and keyed. These include "Name List," "Form" and "Miscellaneous." All other form type unless blank will be captured as "Cover page, Section header, etc."

If the same individual appears on multiple documents within an image, key the name only once while keying the remaining information from wherever it may appear on the image.

On "Name List" form types, a 'Relationship' and 'Household Number' field have been provided in order to group families. Key each name in a family as a unique record along with their 'Relationship' to the 'Head' of the household. Key the same 'Household Number' for each member of the family until a new 'Head' of household is reached.

If an entry contains the word "ditto", the abbreviation "do", or ditto marks, copy the information down from the previous entry.

Some of the documents are questionnaires or forms, with questions or fields of information. Key as much of the requested information from these types of documents as possible.

For records such as correspondence, biographies, narratives, or other documents that do not consist of pre-printed forms or clearly fielded information and would otherwise require translating and reading through a block of text, only key the name of the primary individual, which should appear at the top of the page or somewhere near the beginning of the text. Do not worry about keying any other names mentioned in the document. At the very least, try to key a document date (which may be available near the top or bottom of the page) and birth information if it can be found within the first few sentences of a paragraph or somewhere near the name. Key information for the remaining fields if the information is located within the first few sentences of a paragraph and easily identified. These types of documents will typically not include information such as marital status, nationality, and residence.

Do not key the names of government or other officials as the goal is to capture information about the people for whom the document is about and not the people who administered or signed the documents.

Many names and locations will contain diacritics. Key those as seen using the "Insert international characters" button located directly above the keying grid and directly below the image.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Name List
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data


Choose the "Form" form type for pre-printed images with information that has been filled in. In order to classify an image as a form, the image must contain the name(s) of individuals.

Event Day

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event day as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Month

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event month as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance.

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Year

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page.  It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event year as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. Sometimes a name will be at the beginning of a paragraph, but at times may be further down in the body of the text. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. If there are multiple names in a letter or on a form, key each as an individual record. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fiică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fiică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)

An example of where to find names in a letter. (Names are in bold):

La ordinul Dvs. Nr. 35849 din 13 Oct. 1942, motivati de raportul Politiei orassului Dorohoi Nr. 8377/942, cu onoare raportam ca, cele reclamate de Elena Olaru si Maria Budala, sunt neintemeiate, deoarece susnumita nu a figurat in tabelul de tigani evacuabili.


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. Sometimes a name will be at the beginning of a paragraph, but at times may be further down in the body of the text. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. If there are multiple names in a letter or on a form, key each as an individual record. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)

An example of where to find names in a letter. (Names are in bold):

La ordinul Dvs. Nr. 35849 din 13 Oct. 1942, motivati de raportul Politiei orassului Dorohoi Nr. 8377/942, cu onoare raportam ca, cele reclamate de Elena Olaru si Maria Budala, sunt neintemeiate, deoarece susnumita nu a figurat in tabelul de tigani evacuabili.


Key the gender in its full form using the dictionary provided for assistance. Gender may be found by the keyword "sexul."

Gender may also be inferred using the following keywords: (Key the word given in bold)

  • "fiu", "soț", or "socru" should be entered as masculin
  • "fică", "soție", "văduvă", and "soacră" should be entered as femeie


Key the age as seen at the time the record was recorded using the dictionary provided for assistance. If present, age may be found next to the word "Varsta," "Etatea," "Ani" or "eves" and should be a number between 1 and 120.

Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" and fractions between "1/12" and "11/12." If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, if an age appears as 10 years, 7 months, key age as "10." If an age appears in months, such as 10 months, key age as a fraction: "10/12." If an Age includes years plus a fraction, such as 3 3/12, key only the year: "3." If the age is less than one month, key "0."


Key the occupation as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found in the column labeled "Ocuptia," "Cu ce se ocupa," "De profesiune," or something similar.

Marital Status

Key the marital status as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Marital status may be found in the column labeled "Daca este casatorit sau nu," "este sau nu casatorit," or something similar. In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out or the applicable one is circled.

Residence Place

Key the residence place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: Bucharest, Romania. Residence place may be found by the keywords "Domiciliul," "Domiciliul actual" "Comuna" (Parish), "Judetul" (County), "Comuna unde domiciliaza in prezent," "Comuna in raza carei sunt asezati," or something similar. Only key city and country into this field.

Residence Day

Key the residence day as seen. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Residence Month

Key the month as seen from the residence date using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Residence Year

Key the year from the residence date as seen on the record. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Month

Key the month as seen from the birth date using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Place

Key the birth place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex:  Bucharest, Romania. Birth place may be found by the words "locul nasterii si judetul."


Key the nationality as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found by the words "originea etnica."


Choose the "Miscellaneous" form type for images with names to key that do not fit the other form type descriptions.

Event Day

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event day as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Month

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event month as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance.

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Year

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page.  It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event year as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. Sometimes a name will be at the beginning of a paragraph, but at times may be further down in the body of the text. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. If there are multiple names in a letter or on a form, key each as an individual record. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)

An example of where to find names in a letter. (Names are in bold):

La ordinul Dvs. Nr. 35849 din 13 Oct. 1942, motivati de raportul Politiei orassului Dorohoi Nr. 8377/942, cu onoare raportam ca, cele reclamate de Elena Olaru si Maria Budala, sunt neintemeiate, deoarece susnumita nu a figurat in tabelul de tigani evacuabili.


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. Sometimes a name will be at the beginning of a paragraph, but at times may be further down in the body of the text. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. If there are multiple names in a letter or on a form, key each as an individual record. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)

An example of where to find names in a letter. (Names are in bold):

La ordinul Dvs. Nr. 35849 din 13 Oct. 1942, motivati de raportul Politiei orassului Dorohoi Nr. 8377/942, cu onoare raportam ca, cele reclamate de Elena Olaru si Maria Budala, sunt neintemeiate, deoarece susnumita nu a figurat in tabelul de tigani evacuabili.


Key the gender in its full form using the dictionary provided for assistance. Gender may be found by the keyword "sexul."

Gender may also be inferred using the following keywords: (Key the word given in bold)

  • "fiu", "soț", or "socru" should be entered as masculin
  • "fică", "soție", "văduvă", and "soacră" should be entered as femeie


Key the age as seen at the time the record was recorded using the dictionary provided for assistance. If present, age may be found next to the word "Varsta," "Etatea," "Ani" or "eves" and should be a number between 1 and 120.

Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" and fractions between "1/12" and "11/12." If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, if an age appears as 10 years, 7 months, key age as "10." If an age appears in months, such as 10 months, key age as a fraction: "10/12." If an Age includes years plus a fraction, such as 3 3/12, key only the year: "3." If the age is less than one month, key "0."


Key the occupation as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found in the column labeled "Ocuptia," "Cu ce se ocupa," "De profesiune," or something similar.

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Month

Key the month as seen from the birth date using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Place

Key the birth place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex:  Bucharest, Romania. Birth place may be found by the words "locul nasterii si judetul."

Residence Place

Key the residence place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: Bucharest, Romania. Residence place may be found by the keywords "Domiciliul," "Domiciliul actual" "Comuna" (Parish), "Judetul" (County), "Comuna unde domiciliaza in prezent," "Comuna in raza carei sunt asezati," or something similar. Only key city and country into this field.

Residence Day

Key the residence day as seen. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Residence Month

Key the month as seen from the residence date using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Residence Year

Key the year from the residence date as seen on the record. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Name List

Choose the "Name List" form type for images with lists of individuals or families.

Event Day

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event day as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Month

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event month as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance.

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942

Event Year

The event date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every record, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page.  It often follows the word "din." The date will always appear in the day-month-year format.

Key the event year as seen. If there are multiple documents on an image for the same individual, but they have different event dates, key the most recent date available. If there are multiple documents on an image for different individuals and they have different event dates, or one has an event date and the other doesn't, create a new section for each document so that new headers are created and individuals are associated with the correct date.

Example of an event date: din 25 Iulie 1942


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record. Names may be found either in lists, in the body of paragraphs in letters, or typically near the top of a form. Keywords listed below may help in identifying names, but for some images using the context of the image may be most beneficial.

If a name is not readily identifiable, look for properly cased words or words that are in all caps. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular word is a name, use the provided dictionary for clues. Only key relationships on 'Name List' form types where families are clearly present.

Use the following keywords to help you identify where a name may be found on a document:

  • "numele si pronumele"
  • "invinuitul"
  • "cap fam" (head)
  • "soț" (husband)
  • "soție" (spouse)
  • "fică" (daughter)
  • "fiu" (son)
  • "văduvă" (widow)
  • "soacră" (mother-in-law)
  • "socru" (father-in-law)
  • "fică adoptivă" (foster-daughter)
  • "fiu adoptiv" (foster-son)


Key the relationship to the head of household. Every record should have a relationship keyed including persons with no family listed. Every head of family should be keyed as "cap fam" regardless of the relationship present on the image. Head of family is the first member of the family listed. If an individual record has no family listed, key "cap fam" (Head of family) as the relationship. Some images will have a relationship column that may be identified by the keywords "Situatia in familie." In this case, key the relationship from the column for each individual.


Key the gender in its full form using the dictionary provided for assistance. Gender may be found by the keyword "sexul."

Gender may also be inferred using the following keywords: (Key the word given in bold)

  • "fiu", "soț", or "socru" should be entered as masculin
  • "fică", "soție", "văduvă", and "soacră" should be entered as femeie

Residence Place

Key the residence place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: Bucharest, Romania. Residence place may be found by the keywords "Domiciliul," "Domiciliul actual" "Comuna" (Parish), "Judetul" (County), "Comuna unde domiciliaza in prezent," "Comuna in raza carei sunt asezati," or something similar. Only key city and country into this field.


Key the age as seen at the time the record was recorded using the dictionary provided for assistance. If present, age may be found next to the word "Varsta," "Etatea," "Ani" or "eves" and should be a number between 1 and 120.

Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" and fractions between "1/12" and "11/12." If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, if an age appears as 10 years, 7 months, key age as "10." If an age appears in months, such as 10 months, key age as a fraction: "10/12." If an Age includes years plus a fraction, such as 3 3/12, key only the year: "3." If the age is less than one month, key "0."


Key the occupation as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Occupation may be found in the column labeled "Ocuptia," "Cu ce se ocupa," "De profesiune," or something similar.

Marital Status

Key the marital status as seen using the dictionary provided for assistance. Marital status may be found in the column labeled "Daca este casatorit sau nu," "este sau nu casatorit," or something similar. In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out or the applicable one is circled.


Key the nationality as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Nationality may be found by the words "originea etnica."

Residence Day

Key the residence day as seen. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Residence Month

Key the month as seen from the residence date using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Residence Year

Key the year from the residence date as seen on the record. When present, residence date will be found following the residence place which is often labeled "Domiciliul."

Birth Day

Key the day from the birth date as seen on the record. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Month

Key the month as seen from the birth date using the dictionary provided for assistance. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

  • I - January - ianuarie
  • II - February - februarie
  • III - March - martie
  • IV - April - aprilie
  • V - May - mai
  • VI - June - iunie
  • VII - July - iulie
  • VIII - August - august
  • IX - September - septembrie
  • X - October - octombrie
  • XI - November - noiembrie
  • XII - December - decembrie

Birth Year

Key the year from the birth date as seen on the record. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. Birth date may be found by the words "data nasterii."

Birth Place

Key the birth place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex:  Bucharest, Romania. Birth place may be found by the words "locul nasterii si judetul."

Cover page, Section header, etc

Use the "Cover page, Section header, etc' form type for images that do not contain data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide context for the image set. Example: historical notes, affidavits, etc.

Image with no data

Use the 'Image with no data' form type for images that do not contain data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. Example: An image containing a blank background.