World Archives Project: USHMM - Poland, Lodz Ghetto Register Books, 1939-1944 (Part 3)

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About this project This collection contains register books, from the Łódź Ghetto in Poland.

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Project Instructions This collection contains register books, from the Łódź Ghetto in Poland.

Please rely on common sense when keying.

Occasionally a death or deportation date will appear in the "Bemerkungen" column. When present, the death date will appear near the words "gestorben" or "zmarl," or the abbreviation "gest." When present, the deportation date will appear near the abbreviations "ausg," "ag," "ausg tr" or "wym."

If an entry contains the word "ditto", the abbreviation "do", or ditto marks, copy the information down from the previous entry.

Important: Do not key the names of government or other officials as the goal is to capture information about the people for whom the document is about and not the people who administered or signed the documents.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Register Page
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data

Register Page

Lodz REgister Book.JPG

Choose the 'Register Page' form type for images with the "Current Address" field at the top of the image and a list of names following.

Current Address

Key the current address as seen. The current address will typically be found at the top of the image.

If a block number appears, key the words "Block No" before the numbers or letters written. Separate the block number and street name with a comma. (When the word "Block" does not precede the abreviation "No," do not key the abbreviation "No" by itself.)

Also, do not key the abbreviation "str" for street or "nr" for the street number. Do not put a comma in between the street name and number. If a second address is written in parentheses, key that address as well, including the parenthesis marks.

Example: If the address appears as "Block No A 57 Hoheustein Str No 9," key as "Block No A 57, Hoheustein 9."

Example: If the address appears as "Cranach str. Nr. 9," key as "Cranach 9."

Apartment Number

Key the apartment number as seen on the image from the column labeled "Wohn Nr." The apartment number will only appear for the first person that appears at this number. Copy down the apartment number to all the records to which it applies.


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Surname is typically found in the "Name" column. On some images the name may be found near the words "Nazwisko i imie" or simply "An."

Names that have been crossed out should be keyed, unless the crossed out information is being replaced. If the crossed out name is replaced with a correction, key the replacement information.

Maiden Name

When present, key the maiden name as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. Maiden name may be found in the column labeled "Mädchenname oder Name des Mannes." Do not key any numbers that may appear in this column. Only key maiden name if gender is female.

Names that have been crossed out should be keyed, unless the crossed out information is being replaced. If the crossed out name is replaced with a correction, key the replacement information.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Given name is typically found in the "Vorname" column. On some images the name may be found near the words "Nazwisko i imie" or simply "An."

Names that have been crossed out should be keyed, unless the crossed out information is being replaced. If the crossed out name is replaced with a correction, key the replacement information.


Key the gender as an abbreviation form from the "Geschlecht" column using the dictionary provided for assistance. A mark or notation should be made in either the "M" column or "W" column on the image to indicate the gender. When the gender is "Männlich" key "M" for male. When the gender is "Weiblich" key "W" for female.

Birth Day

Key the day in its numerical form from the birth date. The birth date will appear in the column labeled "Gebertsdatum." Birth date will be in day-month-year format. On some images the birth date may be found near the words "Data urodzenia."

Birth Month

Key the month from the birth date using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. The birth date will appear in the column labeled "Gebertsdatum." Birth date will be in day-month-year format. On some images the birth date may be found near the words "Data urodzenia."

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the year in its numerical form from the birth date. The birth date will appear in the column labeled "Gebertsdatum." Birth date will be in day-month-year format. On some images the birth date may be found near the words "Data urodzenia."


Key the profession as seen on the image, using the dictionary provided for assistance. Profession may be found in the column labeled "Beruf" or "Zawod i stanowisko w zawodzie."

Previous Address

Key the previous address as seen on the image from the "Frühere Adresse" column.

Card Number

Key the card number from the "Karten Nr." column.


Key the age from the "Alter" column when it appears on the image.

Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" or certain acceptable fractions for ages displayed in months only. If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, "10 years, 7 months" would be keyed as "10". If an age includes both a year and a fraction, key only the year. For example, "3 3/12" would be keyed as "3". If an age appears only in months, key age as a fraction. For example, "7 Months" would be keyed as "7/12" and "18 Months" would be keyed as "18/12". If an age is expressed in weeks, days, or hours, "0" (zero) should be keyed as the age. For example, "3 weeks" would be keyed as "0" and "8 weeks" would be keyed as "0".
Only key date of birth or age

Death Day

Key the day in its numerical form from the death date. When present, death date will appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the words "gestorben," "zmarl," or the abbreviation "gest." Death date will appear in day-month-year format.

Death Month

Key the month from the death date using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. When present, death date will appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the words "gestorben," "zmarl," or the abbreviation "gest." Death date will appear in day-month-year format.

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Death Year

Key the year in its numerical form from the death date. When present, death date will appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the words "gestorben," "zmarl," or the abbreviation "gest." Death date will appear in day-month-year format. If the year is in a 2 digit format, it should be keyed in 4 digit format. All death years will be in the 1900s.

Deportation Day

Key the day in its numerical form from the deportation date. When present, deportation date may appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the abbreviations "ausg," "ag" or "ausg tr." Death date will appear in day-month-year format.

Deportation Month

Key the month from the deportation date using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. When present, deportation date may appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the abbreviations "ausg," "ag" or "ausg tr." Death date will appear in day-month-year format.

Months in German:
1 - I - Januar
2 - II - Februar
3 - III - März
4 - IV - April
5 - V - Mai
6 - VI - Juni
7 - VII - Juli
8 - VIII - August
9 - IX - September
10 - X - Oktober
11 - XI - November
12 - XII - Dezember

Deportation Year

Key the year in its numerical form from the deportation date. When present, deportation date may appear in the column labeled "Bemerkungen" or after the abbreviations "ausg," "ag" or "ausg tr." Death date will appear in day-month-year format. The year will typically be in 2 digit format, but should be keyed in 4 digit format. All deportation years will be in the 1900s.

There is another Register Form type which includes the name and surname of father and the name surname and sometimes maiden name of the mother.

Father Surname

Key the surname of the father of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, father name may be found in the column labeled "Imiona rodzicow."

Father Given

Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the father of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, father name may be found in the column labeled "Imiona rodzicow."

Mother Surname

Key the surname of the mother of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, mother name may be found in the column labeled "Imiona rodzicow."

Mother Given

Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the mother of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. When present, mother name may be found in the column labeled "Imiona rodzicow."

Cover page, Section header, etc

Use the "Cover page, Section header, etc' form type for images that do not contain data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide context for the image set. Example: historical notes, affidavits, etc.

Image with no data

Use the 'Image with no data' form type for images that do not contain data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. Example: An image containing a blank background.