World Archives Project: USHMM - Krakow, Poland, Applications for ID Cards for Jews during World War II (Part 5)

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This content is provided as part of the World Memory Project in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The World Memory Project will create extensive indexes for each collection. The completed indexes will be made available for free on all websites. Once the indexes are completed individuals may contact the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum directly to request a free printed copy of a specific document at [email protected] .

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As soon as the German military overrun Poland, a German Government was established. All Jewish householders had to fill in a Fragebogen (questionnaire), which was an A3 form. The front and back contained information of the householder. The inside contained information of all household members. All adult household members received an Ergänzungsbogen (additional questionnaire) Every one on the Fragebogen including the children received a Kennkarte. This card had to be carried at all times as identification. The authorities then started their selection of persons that were 'ausgesiedelt', in other words they had to leave the town and ended up in either work camps or other holding camps. People desperately wrote letters stating why it was impossible for them to move or made a case that they were indispensable to the running of the economy or the military. Then the selection began. At the beginning quite few people were issued with ID cards which entitled them to stay in town, but they all had a time limit and one had to re-apply for extensions. As time went on, fewer and fewer people had their ID cards extended.



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About this Project:

This collection contains records from Krakow, including questionnaires of Jews who applied for personal ID cards, household member lists, indexes, resettlement cards, and residence requests.

The German army occupied Krakow in the first week of September 1939. In May 1940 the Germans began to expel Jews from Krakow to the neighboring countryside and required them to report for forced labor by October 1940. By March 1941, the SS and police had expelled more than 55,000 Jews, and about 15,000 Jews remained in Krakow.

In early March 1941, German officials ordered the establishment of a ghetto located in the south of Krakow. Between 15,000 and 20,000 Jews lived within the ghetto boundaries. The SS and police liquidated the Krakow ghetto on March 13-14, 1943, fulfilling Himmler's order in October 1942 to complete the murder of Jews residing in the Generalgouvernement, incarcerating those whose labor was still required in forced-labor camps.

The records are primarily in German and many are Sutterlin script.

Form Types:

There is a wide variety of records included in this collection. Some records are consistent and well-formed, which can be easily identified with the corresponding form types - we will be keying more information from these records. The other records will be classified as "Miscellaneous Documents" with minimum information being keyed. Generally you will be keying the primary name found at the top of the each record.

There are more form types to choose from than we usually have for World Archives Projects. This is because we thought it important to specifically identify some documents (such as residence requests, ID cards, and resettlement cards) due to what happened to the Jewish community in Krakow. Some of these forms look very similar to each other, so please read the form type descriptions carefully and view the sample images on the wiki page for help in determining correct form types.

Keying the Documents:

You may receive an image set that consists of several images in a row regarding the same primary individual. Unless you encounter duplicates each image should be keyed.

On miscellaneous records, key each easily identifiable person listed on the image as a unique record. Exceptions to this are listed below:

  • For records such as correspondence, biographies, narratives, or other documents that do not consist of pre-printed forms and would otherwise require translating and reading through a block of text, only key the name of the primary individual, which should appear at the top of the page or somewhere near the beginning of the text. Do not key any other names mentioned in the document.
  • Do not key the names of government or other officials as the goal is to capture information about the people whom the document is about, not the people who administered or signed the documents.

Many names and locations will contain diacritics. Key those as seen using the "Insert international characters" icon located directly above the keying grid and directly below the image or use the Ctrl+F12 shortcut.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Erganzüngsbogen (Questionnaire)
Fragebogen (Questionnaire)
Household Member List
ID Card
ID Card Request
Miscellaneous Documents
Resettlement Card
Residence Request

Erganzüngsbogen (Questionnaire)

This form type has the word "Ergänzungsbogen" written across the top of the page.


This form contains two names on it. The first is the head of household, the second is the primary person. Both individuals should be keyed as unique records. For the head of household, key the surname from the line labeled "Familienvorstand." The given names and surname are not separated in this field so you will need to determine which names should be keyed in the given name field and which in the surname field. As a guideline, the surname of the head of household is often the same surname as the primary person (written in question #1 on the line labeled "Familienname").For the primary person, key the surname in question #1 from the field labeled "Familienname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


This form contains two names on it. The first is the head of household, the second is the primary person. Both individuals should be keyed as unique records. Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.


This form contains two names on it. The first is the head of household, the second is the primary person. Both individuals should be keyed as unique records. For the head of household, key the first name or initial and any middle names from the line labeled "Familienvorstand." The given names and surname are not separated in this field so you will need to determine which names should be keyed in the given name field and which in the surname field. As a guideline, the surname of the head of household is often the same surname as the primary person (written in question #1 on the line labeled "Familienname").For the primary person, key the first name or initial and any middle names in question #1 from the field labeled "Vornamen" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Maiden Name

Key the maiden name in question #1 from the field labeled "bei Frauen auch Geburtsnamen" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


This form contains two names on it. The first is the head of household, the second is the primary person. Both individuals should be keyed as unique records. Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key "Head" if the record you are keying is for the head of household (person listed on the line labeled "Familienvorstand").Key "Relative" if the record you are keying is for the primary person whose name is given in question #1.

Birth Day

Key the birth day in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Birth Location

Key the birth location in question #2 from the field labeled "Geburtsort," which appears directly below the birth date, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Birth County

Key the birth county or kreis in question #2 from the field labeled "Kreis," which appears directly below the birth date and city, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the nationality in question #3 from the field labeled "Staatsangehörigkeit" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Marital Status

Key the marital status in question #4 from the field labeled "Familienstand." In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out. The status not crossed out is the one that should be keyed. Key the word in full, using the provided drop-down list and the list below to help you determine which word corresponds to which abbreviation. If an entry cannot be determined to match with one of the provided dictionary options, key the marital status as seen. Key the word shown in bold:

  • Single - led. - ledig
  • Married - verh. - verheiratet
  • Widowed - verw. - verwitwet
  • Divorced - gesch. - geschieden
  • Living apart - lebt getrennt

Residence Location

Key the residence in question #5 from the field labeled "genane Wohnung: Ort." Key only what is written on this line. Do not key what is continued onto the next line, written before "Str. Nr." as this is the street name that appears before the street number and we do not want to key the street address, only the city.

Lived in Krakow Since - Day

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow in question #5 from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" If a date is given it is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into the year field.

Lived in Krakow Since - Month

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow in question #5 from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into the year field. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Lived in Krakow Since - Year

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the year as seen.If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into this field.

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number from the field labeled "Kennkarten Nr." There may be two places where this may be written, but both usually appear on the right-hand side of the document. Key the ID card number from either location, whichever has it populated. The ID card number is typically five digits, including leading zeros. Key the number as seen.

ID Issued Day

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.This information will not always be present.

ID Issued Month

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. This information will not always be present. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

ID Issued Year

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the year as seen.This information will not always be present.


From the provided drop-down list select "Yes" if a photo is included on the document or "No" if a photo is not.

Fragebogen (Questionnaire)

This form type has the word "Fragebogen" written across the top of the page.


Key the surname in question #1 from the field labeled "Familienname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Maiden Name

Key the maiden name in question #1 from the field labeled "bei Frauen auch Geburtsnamen" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names in question #1 from the field labeled "Vornamen," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Birth Day

Key the birth day in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. M Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year in question #2 from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Birth Location

Key the birth location in question #2 from the field labeled "Geburtsort," which appears directly below the birth date, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Birth County

Key the birth county or kreis in question #2 from the field labled "Kreis," which appears directly below the birth date and city, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the nationality in question #3 from the field labeled "Staatsangehörigkeit" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Marital Status

Key the marital status in question #4 from the field labeled "Familienstand." In some cases, the marital status is written or typed into the field. In other cases, statuses are pre-printed and the non-applicable statuses are crossed out. The status not crossed out is the one that should be keyed. Key the word in full, using the provided drop-down list and the list below to help you determine which word corresponds to which abbreviation. If an entry cannot be determined to match with one of the provided dictionary options, key the marital status as seen. Key the word shown in bold:

  • Single - led. - ledig
  • Married - verh. - verheiratet
  • Widowed - verw. - verwitwet
  • Divorced - gesch. - geschieden
  • Living apart - lebt getrennt

Residence Location

Key the residence in question #5 from the field labeled "genane Wohnung: Ort." Key only what is written on this line. Do not key what is continued onto the next line, written before "Str. Nr." as this is the street name that appears before the street number and we do not want to key the street address, only the city.

Lived in Krakow Since - Day

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow in question #5 from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" If a date is given it is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into the year field.

Lived in Krakow Since - Month

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow in question #5 from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into the year field. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Lived in Krakow Since - Year

Key the date from whence the person lived in Krakow from the field labeled "Seit wann wohnen Sie in Krakau?" The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the year as seen.If any words or phrases, such as "seit jeher" which means "has always," appear instead of a date, key them into this field.

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number from the field labeled "Kennkarten Nr." There may be two places where this may be written, but both usually appear on the right-hand side of the document. Key the ID card number from either location, whichever has it populated. The ID card number is typically five digits, including leading zeros. Key the number as seen.

ID Issued Day

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.This information will not always be present.

ID Issued Month

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. This information will not always be present. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

ID Issued Year

Key the ID card issuance date from the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the document, right below the words "Kennakrte auszugeben am." The date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the year as seen.This information will not always be present.


From the provided drop-down list select "Yes" if a photo is included on the document or "No" if a photo is not.

Household Member List

A Household Member List contains a table of columns with spaces to record the names and other information of people living in a household. The table is split into two sections - individuals under 14 years old and individuals over 14 years old. It will have "In meinem gemeinschaftlichen Haushalt wohnen folgende Personen" printed at the top.A full table covers two pages (a left side and a right side of a larger paper). In some cases, these pages are intact and appear together in one image. In other cases, these pages have been separated and so will appear as separate images. For images where the left and right side pages have been separated, only the left side page (the side that lists the names), should be classified as a "Household Member List." The right-side page should be classified as "Cover page."


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the column labeled "Vorname" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the surname from the column labeled "Familienname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Birth Day

Key the birth day from the column labeled "Geburtstag Monat Geburtsort." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month from the column labeled "Geburtstag Monat Geburtsort." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year from the column labeled "Geburtstag Monat Geburtsort." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Birth Location

Key the person's birthplace from the column labeled "Geburtsort" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the person's relationship to the head of household as stated in the column labeled "Verwandschaftsverhältnis" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistnace.

Marital Status

Key the marital status from the column labeled "Familienstand." Key the marital status word in full, using the provided drop-down list and the list below to help you determine which words correspond to which abbreviations. If an entry cannot be determined to match with one of the provided dictionary options, key the marital status as seen. Key the word shown in bold:

  • Single - led. - ledig
  • Married - verh. - verheiratet
  • Widowed - verw. - verwitwet
  • Divorced - gesch. - geschieden
  • Living apart - lebt getrennt


If the image contains a full table (both the left and right-side pages together on one image), then key the person's occupation from the column labeled "z. Zt. ausgeübter Beruf." Key the occupation as seen. If the image only contains the left-side page of the table, leave this field empty.

ID Card

The ID card was a tri-fold card. The front page of the card has the words "Stadt Krakau" written in large letters at the top, followed by the Kennkarte Nr., or ID card number. In some cases, the entire card has been left intact. In these cases you'll be able to see pages 5, 6, and 1 of the card in a single image and then pages 2, 3, and 4 in a single image. In other cases, the card has been separated with each page of the card in a separate image. Regardless of if the card has been left in tact or separated into many pages, any image that includes the front or first page of the card should be classified as "ID Card."

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number from the field labeled "Kennkarten Nr." The ID card number is typically five digits, including leading zeros. Key the number as seen.


Key the surname from the field labeled "Familienname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Maiden Name

Key the maiden name from the field labeled "bei Frauen auch Geburtsname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the field labeled "Vorname," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


From the provided drop-down list select "Yes" if a photo is included on the document or "No" if a photo is not.

Birth Day

Key the birth day from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

ID Card Request

Krakow ID Card Request - sample1.jpg

Choose the "ID Card Request" form type when the image says "Ich bitte um Ausstellung einer Kennkarte für Juden und um Einweisung in den Judenwohnbezirk Krakau" at the top.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. If names appear in the "Kinder unter 14 Jahren (nur vom Haushaltsvorstand auszufüllen)" box at the bottom of the image, these names should be entered as separate records.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the field labeled "Vornamen," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. If names appear in the "Kinder unter 14 Jahren (nur vom Haushaltsvorstand auszufüllen)" box at the bottom of the image, these names should be entered as separate records.


Key the surname from the field labeled "Name" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. If names appear in the "Kinder unter 14 Jahren (nur vom Haushaltsvorstand auszufüllen)" box at the bottom of the image, these names should be entered as separate records.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record. If names appear in the "Kinder unter 14 Jahren (nur vom Haushaltsvorstand auszufüllen)" box at the bottom of the image, these names should be entered as separate records.

Maiden Name

Key the maiden name the field labeled "bei Frauen auch Geburtsnamen" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Birth Day

Key the birth day from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year from the field labeled "geboren am." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Birth Location

Key the birth location from the field labeled "Geboren am," after the word "in", as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the nationality from the field labeled "Staatsbürgerschaft" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Learned Occupation

Key the learned occupation as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. The learned occupation will appear on the "Erlernter Beruf" line.


Key the person's occupation from the field labeled "Derzeit ausgeübter Beruf." Key the occupation as seen using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Marital Status

Key the marital status from the field below the occupation field (below the words "selbständig ' unselbständig"). The marital statuses are pre-printed on the form, starting with the marital status "Ledig". Key the status that is either underlined or not crossed out. Key the word in full, using the dictionary provided to assist you. Key the word shown in bold:

  • Single - led. - ledig
  • Married - verh. - verheiratet
  • Widowed - verw. - verwitwet
  • Divorced - gesch. - geschieden
  • Living apart - lebt getrennt

Residence Location

Key the residence from the field labeled "Wohnhaft in" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Street Address

Key the street address from the field labeled "strasse." The number that appears after the street name, on the "nr." field should be keyed as well into this field after the street name, separated by a comma, such as "Eisen, 430".


An index page contains a listing of individuals with ID cards ordered numerically according to Kennkarte Nr. (ID card number). The word "Kennkarten" is printed in all caps near the top left corner of the page.

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number from the column labeled "Kennkarten Nr." The ID card number is typically five digits, including leading zeros. Key the number as seen.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.


Key the surname from the column labeled "Name," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. The surname is usually listed before the given name and may be printed in all caps or with extra spacing between each letter. Do not key the spaces or the capitalization; rather key the name using proper casing and spacing.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the column labeled "Name," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.  Typically the surname is written first, then the given name(s).


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Birth Year

Key the birth year from the column labeled "Geb. jahr." The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Miscellaneous Documents

Records or documents that do not fall into one of the other pre-defined form types, but has names that should be keyed on them, should be classified as "Miscellaneous Documents."

Additional Image Samples

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every image, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", which means "the." It often follows a place name as well. The date will usually appear in the day-month-year format. Key the document day as seen. If no document date appears on the image, leave the document date fields blank. If the date is a date range, key the most recent of the dates given.

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every image, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", which means "the." It often follows a place name as well. The date will usually appear in the day-month-year format. If no document date appears on the image, leave the document date fields blank. If the date is a date range, key the most recent of the dates given.Key the document month using the provided drop-down list and in the language of the document. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was signed or written. This is not available on every image, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page, following the word "den", which means "the." It often follows a place name as well. The date will usually appear in the day-month-year format. If no document date appears on the image, leave the document date fields blank. If the date is a date range, key the most recent of the dates given.Key the document year as seen, whether two or four digits.

Document Place

The document place is the place the document was signed or written. This is not available on every image, but if it is, it can usually be found near the top or bottom of the page. It usually precedes the document date. The majority of the time the document place will be "Krakau."


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the given name including any initial and middle names as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. In some cases a given name may be clearly indicated by the words "Vorname," "Vor-," or "Name." In other cases, it may appear in a section labeled "betrifft," which means "subject." Sometimes a relationship word may indicate a family member's name.


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. In some cases a surname may be clearly indicated by the words "Zuname," "Zu-," "Familienname," or "Name." In other cases, it may appear in a section labeled "betrifft," which means "subject." Sometimes a relationship word may indicate a family member's name. Surnames may be written in all caps or with large spaces in between each letter. Do not key the spaces or the capitalization; rather key the name using proper casing and spacing.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Maiden Name

For women, key the maiden name when given, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.

Alias Given

Key the first name or initial and any middle names of an alias name as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. An alias may be denoted by parentheses, or quotation marks. Do not key the maiden name as the alias name. If the alternate name that appears is of a maiden name, key the variant surname into the maiden name field.

Alias Surname

Key the surname of an alias name as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. An alias may be denoted by parentheses, or quotation marks. Do not key the maiden name as the alias name. If the alternate name that appears is of a maiden name, key the variant surname into the maiden name field.

Birth Day

Key the birth day, using the words listed below to help you identify if a birth date is given. When provided, the date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Words and abbreviations indicating birth or birth date: 

  • Geb.
  • Geburt
  • Geburtszeit
  • Geburtstag
  • Geburtsdatum
  • Geboren
  • Geburten

Birth Month

Key the birth month using the provided drop-down list. Use the words listed below to help you identify if a birth date is given. When provided, the date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in the language of the document. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Words and abbreviations indicating birth or birth date:

  • Geb.
  • Geburt
  • Geburtszeit
  • Geburtstag
  • Geburtsdatum
  • Geboren
  • Geburten

Birth Year

Key the birth year, using the words listed below to help you identify if a birth date is given. When provided, the date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the year as seen, whether two or four digits. Words and abbreviations indicating birth or birth date: 

  • Geb.
  • Geburt
  • Geburtszeit
  • Geburtstag
  • Geburtsdatum
  • Geboren
  • Geburten

Resettlement Card

A resettlement card is a small card with the Ausweis Nr. (Passport ID) printed at the top and center of the card.

Document Day

The document date is the date the card was signed. This usually appears about halfway down the card following "Krakau, den." The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.

Document Month

The document date is the date the card was signed. This usually appears about halfway down the card following "Krakau, den." The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the month using the provided drop-down list. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document.

Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

The document date is the date the card was signed. This usually appears about halfway down the card following "Krakau, den." The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the document year as seen, whether two or four digits.

Document Place

The document place is the place the document was signed or written. This usually appears about halfway down the card right before the document date. The majority of the time the document place will be "Krakau."


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the line appearing below the passport ID as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the surname from the line appearing below the passport ID, as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Birth Day

Key the birth day from the field labeled "geb." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format.

Birth Month

Key the birth month from the field labeled "geb." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. Key the name of the month in full even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document.

Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Birth Year

Key the birth year from the field labeled "geb." The birth date is usually written in the day-month-year format. The year must be either two or four digits, but otherwise key the birth year as seen.

Residence Location

Key the residence from the field labeled "wohnhaft." Key the residence as seen, separating jurisdictions with a comma.

Street Address

Key the street address from the field labeled "wohnhaft." The street address usually includes a place name associated with a street number. For example, if this field says "Krakau, Wolnica ," you would key "Wolnica 5" into this field and "Krakau" should have been keyed in the residence location field.

Residence Request

A "Residence Request" card will indicate whether a request for further residence in Krakau was approved or denied. If approved, the following words will be written across the middle of the card in bold: "Ihrem Ansuchen um weitere Aufenthaltsbewilligung in Krakau wurde stattgegeben." If denied, the following words will be written across the middle of the card in bold: "Ihrem Ansuchen um weitere Aufenthaltsbewilligung in Krakau wird nicht stattgeben."

Document Day

The document date is the date the card was signed or written. This usually appears in the upper right-hand corner of the card. The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the day as seen.

Document Month

The document date is the date the card was signed or written. This usually appears in the upper right-hand corner of the card. The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the month using the provided drop-down list. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. Key the month in the language of the document.

Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Document Year

The document date is the date the card was signed or written. This usually appears in the upper right-hand corner of the card. The date is typically written in the day-month-year format. Key the document year as seen, whether two or four digits.

Document Place

The document place is the place the card was signed or written. This usually appears in the upper right-hand corner of the card. The majority of the time the document place will be "Krakau."

ID Card Number

Key the ID card number which is typically stamped onto the card near the upper left-hand corner of the card, just to the left of "An den Juden." The number is usually five digits, including leading zeros. Key the ID card number as seen.The ID card number may not be present on every image.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Rev," "Mr" or "Mrs," as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names from the field labeled "An den Juden" or "An die Jüdin" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you.


Key the surname from the field labeled "An den Juden" or "An die Jüdin" as seen on the record using the dictionary provided to assist you. The surname is usually listed before the given name and may be printed in all caps or with extra spacing between each letter. Do not key the spaces or the capitalization; rather key the name using proper casing and spacing.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III," that follow the surname as seen on the record.

Request Approved

To key this field, refer to the words written across the middle of the card in bold beginning with "Ihrem Ansuchen." If the sentence ends with "wurde stattgegeben," key "Yes" using the drop-down list. If the sentence ends with "wird nicht stattgeben," key "No."

Event Day

Key the date printed or written on the blank line that appears in the text in the middle of the card. This line is usually in the first sentence of the text and refers to (depending on the type of card): 1)the person's appointment date to receive their ID card, or 2) when the person needs to report to be transferred to a resettlement camp.Key the day as seen.

Event Month

Key the date printed or written on the blank line that appears in the text in the middle of the card. This line is usually in the first sentence of the text and refers to (depending on the type of card): 1) the person's appointment date to receive their ID card, or 2) when the person needs to report to be transferred to a resettlement camp.Key the month using the provided drop-down list and in the language of the document. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document.

Months in German:

  • 1 - I - Januar
  • 2 - II - Februar
  • 3 - III - März
  • 4 - IV - April
  • 5 - V - Mai
  • 6 - VI - Juni
  • 7 - VII - Juli
  • 8  - VIII - August
  • 9 - IX - September
  • 10 - X - Oktober
  • 11 - XI - November
  • 12 - XII - Dezember

Event Year

Key the date printed or written on the blank line that appears in the text in the middle of the card. This line is usually in the first sentence of the text and refers to (depending on the type of card): 1) the person's appointment date to receive their ID card, or 2) when the person needs to report to be transferred to a resettlement camp.Key the year as seen, whether two or four digits.