World Archives Project: USHMM - Czech Republic, Jews Deported to Terezin and Poland

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This content is provided as part of the World Memory Project in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The World Memory Project will create extensive indexes for each collection. The completed indexes will be made available for free on all websites. Once the indexes are completed individuals may contact the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum directly to request a free printed copy of a specific document at [email protected] .

AWAP 40117 - Sample Image.jpg

About this project This collection includes records generated by German occupational authorities and Czech auxiliary agencies concerning "internal security," the transport of Jews to Terezin, and the deportation of Jews to Poland. Victim groups included in this collection: Jews.

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About this Project:

Records are in Czech, German, and English.

There are two form types: (1) Name Lists and (2) Applications. The majority of the images fall into the Name Lists category.

Keying the Documents:

Most images consist of two documents or pages. Key the names from the document appearing on the left side of the image, top to bottom, and then continue on to the right side. If one of the documents is not a Name List and does not contain any names to be keyed, ignore that document, and only key from the other document. Possible fields to key will not be found on every image.

Some Name Lists contain column headings, in which case it is fairly easy to tell what to key and from where. Others do not have headings. On these, information in an entry is typically separated by a comma. Do your best to determine what type of information is provided in the entry. For example, it's safe to assume that a date with a year from the 1800s or early 1900s is a birth date and not some other event date. A city can be assumed to be the residence.

If a spouse's or other relative's name appears on the same line as a primary person, key the spouse's name as a unique record. Infer the surname from the primary person for a spouse or child, unless a different surname is specifically given. For other relatives, leave the surname field blank if no other surname is provided.

Other keying rules to remember:

  • Do not key ditto marks or abbreviations; copy down the appropriate information from the previous record.
  • If something is written in all caps or with large spacing between letters, "key as seen" does not mean to key as so. Instead, key using proper casing and proper spacing.
  • Do not key periods.

Many names and locations will contain diacritics. Key those as seen using the "Insert international characters" button located directly above the keying grid and directly below the image. For Czech language helps, click here.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Name Lists

This project uses diacritics 

If you are using Windows XP there are some diacritics that may not be displayed correctly. This occasionally happens in newer browsers and operating systems as well. You may see a box inserted as a letter. For example: Mie'–¡dzyrzecz instead of Międzyrzecz

When you key letters with diacritics, it is best to use the international character set provided or the numeric shortcut shown in the keying tool. (Note: Not all diacritics will have a shortcut displayed.) Do not use other keyboard shortcuts as a work around. For arbitrators and reviewers who are using Windows XP operating systems, if you see the '–¡ displayed, you will need to key the diacritic using the international characters symbols provided in the tool to ensure the proper diacritic is being entered. 

More info on international characters and diacritics

Czech Alphabet

Czech Alphabet


AWAP 40117 - Sample Image.jpg

Use this form type for images that have side-by-side columns labeled "Jméno a adresa." On some of these images the word "Žadatel" (which means "Applicant") appears in the upper left corner. There is also an area for "Příbuzní" (which means "Relatives"). These records are all in Czech. Key the names of both the applicants and the relatives.


Key the person's relationship to the applicant. If the person is the applicant ("žadatel"), key the word "Self" even though that is not actually written on the image. If the person is a relative ("příbuzní"), key the relationship as listed in the column labeled "příbuz. poměr." Use the provided drop-down list for assistance. If a relationship is not found in the list, key the relationship as seen.
See Example

Application Number

Key the application number that appears just to the left of the name and address of the applicant ("žadatel"). Key this number for the applicant, and then copy down to all relatives. The numbers are generally in sequential order.
See Example


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs" as a prefix. Key as seen, excluding periods.
See Example


Key the given name including any initial and middle names using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen. Some name lists contain column headings in which case the given name may be identified by a column labeled "Jméno" or "Vorname." When a name list does not contain column headings, the name is usually the first thing listed in an entry.

If a spouse's or other relative's name appears on the same line as a primary person, key the spouse's name as a unique record. Infer the surname from the primary person for a spouse or child, unless a different surname is specifically given. For other relatives, leave the surname field blank if no other surname is provided.
See Example


Key the surname using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If a name is not on the list, key as seen. The surname may be written before or after the given name. A surname is sometimes written in all caps. However, do not key the name in all caps, but key it in proper case. Some name lists contain column headings in which case the surname may be identified by a column labeled "Jméno" or "Zuname." When a name list does not contain column headings, the name is usually the first thing listed in an entry.
See Example

Maiden Name

A maiden name may be identified by the following words and abbreviations:

  • nee
  • rozená
  • rozené
  • roz.

Key any name which appears after these words as a maiden name. Key the name as seen, using the provided drop-down list for assistance.

See Example

Alias Given

Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or other indicating words. A variant spelling of a name is not considered an alias. Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the alias using the provided drop-down list. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen.
See Example

Alias Surname

Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or other indicating words. A variant spelling of a name is not considered an alias. Key any surname aliases using the provided drop-down list. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen.
See Example


A street address can be distinguished from a residence city by a number that immediately follows the street name. This information is also often separated from other information by a comma.

Key the street address from the column labeled "Jméno a adresa."
See Example


Key the residence city from the column labeled "Jméno a adresa."When keying Prague (Prag or Praha), be sure to also key the accompanying Roman numeral, which indicates the section of Prague from which the person is from.
See Example

Birth Day

Key the birth date from the column labeled "Datum a místo narození." This is the birth date of the relative, so leave this field blank for the applicant. The date usually appears in the day-month-year format.
See Example

Birth Month

Key the birth date from the column labeled "Datum a místo narození." This is the birth date of the relative, so leave this field blank for the applicant. The date usually appears in the day-month-year format.

Key the name of the month in the language of the document, whether English, German, or Czech. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document.

In Czech the ending of the month will change depending on how it's written or used. For Czech months, only key the standard month name, shown in bold below.

Numeral English Czech German Latin
I January ledna - leden Januar Iānuārius
II February února - únor Februar Februārius
III March března -březen März Martius
IV April dubna - duben April Aprīlis
V May května - květen Mai Māius
VI June června - červen Juni Iūnius
VII July července - červenec Juli Iūlius
VIII August srpna - srpen August Augustus
IX September září - září September September
X October října - říjen Oktober Octōber
XI November listopadu - listopad November November
XII December prosince - prosinec Dezember December

See Example

Birth Year

Key the birth date from the column labeled "Datum a místo narození." This is the birth date of the relative, so leave this field blank for the applicant. The date usually appears in the day-month-year format.

Key the birth year as seen, whether two or four digits.
See Example

Birth Place

Key the birth location from the column labeled "Datum a místo narození." The location usually appears after the birth date and the abbreviation "v." Use the provided drop-down list for assistance. If a location is not on the list, key as seen.
See Example

Name Lists

AWAP 40117 - Name List.jpg

Use this form type for images that contain lists of names. Some lists will have column headings. Others will not.


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs" as a prefix. Key as seen, excluding periods.
See Example


Key the given name including any initial and middle names using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen. Some name lists contain column headings in which case the given name may be identified by a column labeled "Jméno" or "Vorname." When a name list does not contain column headings, the name is usually the first thing listed in an entry.

If a spouse's or other relative's name appears on the same line as a primary person, key the spouse's name as a unique record. Infer the surname from the primary person for a spouse or child, unless a different surname is specifically given. For other relatives, leave the surname field blank if no other surname is provided.
See Example


Key the surname using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If a name is not on the list, key as seen. The surname may be written before or after the given name. A surname is sometimes written in all caps. However, do not key the name in all caps, but key it in proper case. Some name lists contain column headings in which case the surname may be identified by a column labeled "Jméno" or "Zuname." When a name list does not contain column headings, the name is usually the first thing listed in an entry.
See Example

Maiden Name

A maiden name may be identified by the following words and abbreviations:

  • nee
  • rozená
  • rozené
  • roz.

Key any name which appears after these words as a maiden name. Key the name as seen, using the provided drop-down list for assistance.

See Example

Alias Given

Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or other indicating words. A variant spelling of a name is not considered an alias. Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the alias using the provided drop-down list. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen.
See Example

Alias Surname

Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or other indicating words. A variant spelling of a name is not considered an alias. Key any surname aliases using the provided drop-down list. If a name does not appear on the list, key as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

Key the birth day if a birth date is given. A birth date most often appears in name lists that do not include columns. A birth date can most easily be identified by the year. Dates with years in the late 1800s or early 1900s are most likely birth dates. Deportation or other event dates will be from the 1940s.
See Example

Birth Month

Key the birth month if a birth date is given. A birth date most often appears in name lists that do not include columns. A birth date can most easily be identified by the year. Dates with years in the late 1800s or early 1900s are most likely birth dates. Deportation or other event dates will be from the 1940s.Key the name of the month in the language of the document, whether English, German, or Czech. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. In Czech the ending of the month will change depending on how it's written or used. For Czech months, only key the standard month name, shown in bold below.

Numeral English Czech German Latin
I January ledna - leden Januar Iānuārius
II February února - únor Februar Februārius
III March března -březen März Martius
IV April dubna - duben April Aprīlis
V May května - květen Mai Māius
VI June června - červen Juni Iūnius
VII July července - červenec Juli Iūlius
VIII August srpna - srpen August Augustus
IX September září- září September September
X October října - říjen Oktober Octōber
XI November listopadu - listopad November November
XII December prosince - prosinec Dezember December

See Example

Birth Year

Key the birth year if a birth date is given. A birth date most often appears in name lists that do not include columns. A birth date can most easily be identified by the year. Dates with years in the late 1800s or early 1900s are most likely birth dates. Deportation or other event dates will be from the 1940s. Key the birth year as seen, whether two or four digits.
See Example


Key the person's age when given. An age can usually be identified by the abbreviation "y" that appears after the age number. Age can also be found in a column labeled "stáří." Key the age according to the following rules:

  • If an age is listed in years only and includes the word or abbreviation for years, do not key the word or abbreviation. Key only the number.
  • If an age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the age as 10. 
  • If an age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12.
  • If an age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3.

See Example


A street address can be distinguished from a residence city by a number that immediately follows the street name. This information is also often separated from other information by a comma.
See Example

Previous Residence

On columned lists, key the previous residence location found in the column that includes the word "frueherer" or "frueher." Key the location as seen, using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If an entry contains the word "ditto", the abbreviation "do", or ditto marks, copy the location down from the previous entry. If the list does not have column headings, do not key anything into this field.
See Example


Key the location listed in the entry as the person's residence. This may be an address, city, region, or other jurisdiction. On columned lists, this information can be found in columns with headings that include words such as "bydliÅ¡tě," "von," "zuletzt," or "letzter bekannter Aufenthalt." In lists without column headings, the residence may sometimes be listed near the person's name, or indicated by the abbreviation "fr." meaning "from." Key the location as seen, using the provided drop-down list to assist you. If an entry contains the word "ditto", the abbreviation "do", or ditto marks, copy the location down from the previous entry.

When keying Prague (Prag or Praha), be sure to also key the accompanying roman numeral, which indicates the section of Prague from which the person is from.
See Example

Deported Day

A deportation date is denoted by the word "deported" or the abbreviation" dep." The date may also be found in the columns labeled "abtransportiert am:" and "Poznámka: Datum deportace:" into this field. If a date is not denoted by these words or column headings, do not key it as a deportation date. When provided, the date will usually appear in the month-day-year format.
See Example

Deported Month

A deportation date is denoted by the word "deported" or the abbreviation" dep." The date may also be found in the columns labeled "abtransportiert am:" and "Poznámka: Datum deportace:" into this field. If a date is not denoted by these words or column headings, do not key it as a deportation date. When provided, the date will usually appear in the month-day-year format. Key the name of the month in the language of the document. Key the name of the month in full, even if abbreviated, written numerically, or in Roman numerals on the document. In Czech the ending of the month will change depending on how it's written or used. For Czech months, only key the standard month name, shown in bold below.

Numeral English Czech German Latin
I January ledna - leden Januar Iānuārius
II February února - únor Februar Februārius
III March března -březen März Martius
IV April dubna - duben April Aprīlis
V May května - květen Mai Māius
VI June června - červen Juni Iūnius
VII July července - červenec Juli Iūlius
VIII August srpna - srpen August Augustus
IX September září - září September September
X October října - říjen Oktober Octōber
XI November listopadu - listopad November November
XII December prosince - prosinec Dezember December

See Example

Deported Year

A deportation date is denoted by the word "deported" or the abbreviation" dep." The date may also be found in the columns labeled "abtransportiert am:" and "Poznámka: Datum deportace:" into this field. If a date is not denoted by these words or column headings, do not key it as a deportation date. When provided, the date will usually appear in the month-day-year format. Key the year as seen, whether two or four digits.
See Example