World Archives Project: TESTING - Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Czernowitz Oblast Archives Records, 1941-1944

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About this project These are documents that came from the Czernowitz Oblast Archives and contain documents related to the Jews living in Chernivsti, Ukraine and its surrounding areas during the Romanian occupation from 1941-1944. The majority of the documents are in Romanina, but some are written using the Cyrillic alphabet.


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Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Birth & Baptism Reords
Declarație (Statement)
Individual Report
Marriage Records
Miscellaneous Documents
Name List/Table

Birth & Baptism Reords

This is for any documents that are excerpts from birth and baptism boks. These will typically be labeled at the top.  "Extras din condica de" is "extracted from the book of" and "Extras din registrul" is "extracted from the register." Naștere is birth and nascuti is born, and botez is baptism. Often times birth and baptism will appear on the same record and will both be in the title of the record.

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Document Location

The document location is the place where the document was created. The document location is usually found at the top of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the document location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom).Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Birth Month

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). Key the month from this date, using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna (month).
See Example

Birth Year

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The birth year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Birth Place

The birth place is where the individual was born. It will generally appear after the birth date (născul). Capture the birth place from the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a location is not found in the dictionary then key the location as seen.
See Example

Baptism Day

The baptismal date is when an individual was baptized. This date will be found in field labeled "anul, luna, si ziua botezului" (year, month and day of baptism). Key the day from the date.
See Example

Baptism Month

The baptismal date is when an individual was baptized. This date will be found in field labeled "anul, luna, si ziua botezului" (year, month and day of baptism). Key the month from the date using the dictionary for assistance.
See Example

Baptism Year

The baptismal date is when an individual was baptized. This date will be found in field labeled "anul, luna, si ziua botezului" (year, month and day of baptism). Key the year from the date in either two or four digit format.
See Example


This is the religion the individual belongs to. It will be found in a field labeled "religiunea" (religion) or "confesiunea" (confession). For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). Key the religion as seen.
See Example


Key the sex or gender into the Gender field from the column labled sexul (sex). Use the dictionary for assistance. If the gender does not appear in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example

Father Given

The Father Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the father of the primary person to whom the record pertains. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). The Father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Father Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Father Surname

The Father Surname is the last name of the father of the primary person to whom the record pertains. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). The Father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Father Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Mother Given

The Mother Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the mother of the primary person to whom the record pertains. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Mother Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Mother Surname

The Mother Surname is the last name of the mother of the primary person to whom the record pertains. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Mother Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example


Choose this form type if the majority of the information on the document is written in Cyrillic.

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created. It will not always be present, but could be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. Look for the single date and key the year from this date. It might be after the word год (year) or the abbreviation г. The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Declarație (Statement)

The Declarație is a statement of a household, and it includes the address of the home and the names of all those who live there. For each individual information about what their relationship to the head of the household is, how old they were at the time of 1942 census, as well as what their occupation was at the same time. This document will resemble name lists, but can be distinctively distinguished by the appearance of the word "Declarație" at the top center of the form in large, bolded letters. If you come acroos a Declarație that does not have people listed in the household, key the head of household information from the header text. See the field name instructions for more information.

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Location

The document location is the place where the document was created. The document location is usually found at the top of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the document location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen. If the Declarație does not have people listed in the table, key the head of household's name from the header information. The name will be found in the field marked "subsemnatul" (the undersigned).
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen. If the Declarație does not have people listed in the table, key the head of household's name from the header information. The name will be found in the field marked "subsemnatul" (the undersigned).
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Street Address

This is the street address of where the person lived. Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example

Relationship to Primary Person

The relationship to primary person is how the individual is related to the head of the household. You will find this in the column labeled "Gradul de rudenie cu capul de familie" (relationship with head of household). Key the relationship using the dictionary for assistnace. If the relationship is not in the dictionary, key as seen. If the Declarație does not have people listed in the table, key the head of household's information from the header information. Their relationship with the primary person is "cap de familie" (head of household). If only the person listed in the header information is recorded on the document, key "cap de familie."
See Example


The Age refers to the age of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The Romanian word for age is vârsta. The age should be found in a field or column containing this word. If the Declarație does not have people listed in the table, key the head of household's name from the header information. The age will be found in the field marked "vârsta."-If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10.  -If an Age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the Age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12. -If an Age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3.
See Example


The occupation is what an individual did for work. Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen. If the Declarație does not have people listed in the table, key the head of household's name from the header information. The occupation will be found in the field marked "profesiunea mea este."
See Example

Head of Household

This is the name of the head of the household. If the person you are keying is the head of the household, leave this field blank. If this person is not the head of the house hold, such as a wife or daughter, key in the name of the head of household. The head of the household is the cap de familie.
See Example

Individual Report

The Individual Report is an information sheet regarding and individual person. It will include the name of the individual, their employment information, their residence information, and their birth information. They will typically say "Fisa Individuala" or "Onor. Guvernamant al Provincie Bucovina prin Oficiul Judetean al Evreilor" at the top of the page.

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Document Location

The document location is the place where the document was created. The document location is usually found at the top of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the document location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example


Key the sex or gender into the Gender field from the column labled sexul (sex). Use the dictionary for assistance. If the gender does not appear in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example

Street Address

This is the street address of where the person lived. Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Birth Month

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the month from this date, using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna (month).
See Example

Birth Year

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The birth year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Birth Place

The birth place is where the individual was born. It will generally appear after the birth date (născul). Capture the birth place from the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a location is not found in the dictionary then key the location as seen.
See Example


The occupation is what an individual did for work. Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


The Age refers to the age of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The Romanian word for age is vârsta. The age should be found in a field or column containing this word. -If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10.  -If an Age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the Age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12. -If an Age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3.
See Example

Marriage Records

These are excerpts from registers of marriages.  "Extras din condica de" is "extracted from the book of" and "Extras din registrul" is "extracted from the register." Căsătoriți is marriage. This will appear in the title of the document.

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Marriage Location

The marriage location is the place where the marriage took place. The marriage location is usually found at the top left-hand corner of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the marriage location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example

Marriage Day

The marriage date is when two individuals were married. It will be found in the column labeled "anul, luna si ziua casatoriei" (year, month and day of marriage). Key the day from the date.
See Example

Marriage Month

The marriage date is when two individuals were married. It will be found in the column labeled "anul, luna si ziua casatoriei" (year, month and day of marriage). Key the month from the date using the dictionary for assistance.
See Example

Marriage Year

The marriage date is when two individuals were married. It will be found in the column labeled "anul, luna si ziua casatoriei" (year, month and day of marriage). Key the year from the date. The marriage year must be in either two or four digit format.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Age at Marriage

The Age refers to the age of the primary person to whom the record pertains at the time of their marriage. For marriage records, this information can be foundin the column labeled "mirelui" (groom). The Romanian word for age is vârsta. The age should be found in a field or column containing this word. -If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10. -If an Age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the Age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12. -If an Age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3.
See Example


The occupation is what an individual did for work. Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


This is the religion the individual belongs to. It will be found in a field labeled "religiunea" (religion) or "confesiunea" (confession). Key the religion as seen.
See Example

Street Address

This is the street address of where the person lived. Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Birth Month

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the month from this date, using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna (month).
See Example

Birth Year

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The birth year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Father Given

The Father Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the father of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The Father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Father Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Father Surname

The Father Surname is the last name of the father of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The Father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Father Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Mother Given

The Mother Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the mother of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Mother Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Mother Surname

The Mother Surname is the last name of the mother of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Mother Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Spouse Given Name

The Spouse Given is the first name or initial and any middle names of the bride of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). Capture the Spouse Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Spouse Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example

Spouse Surname

The Spouse Surname is the last name or initial and any middle names of the bride of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). Capture the Spouse Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Spouse Surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example

Spouse Age

The Spouse Age pertains to the age of the spouse. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride).The Romanian word for age is vârsta. The age should be found in a field or column containing this word. · If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10. · If an Age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the Age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12.· If an Age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3. · If an Age says "full", key as seen.
See Example

Spouse Occupation

The spouse occupation is what the spouse of the primary individual did for work. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride).  Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example

Spouse Religion

This is the religion the spouse of the primary person belongs to. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). It will be found in a field labeled "confesiunea" (confession). Key the religion as seen.
See Example

Spouse Street Address

This is the street address of where the spouse of the primary person lived. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example

Spouse Father Given

The Spouse Father Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the father of the spouse of theprimary person to whom the record pertains. The Father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Spouse Father Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Spouse Father Surname

The Spouse Father Surname is the last name of the father of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record pertains. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). The Spouse father's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "tata,"tatalui " (father), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Spouse Father Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Spouse Mother's Given Name

The Spouse Mother Given is the first name or initial with any middle names or initials of the mother of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record pertains. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Spouse Mother Given. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Spouse Mother's Surname

The Spouse Mother Surname is the last name of the mother of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record pertains. Information for the spouse will be found in the column labeled "miresei" (bride). The mother's name will appear in places where the parents name recorded. Look for labels using words such as "maica,"maicei " (mother), or "parintilor" (parents). Using the dictionary provided capture the Spouse Mother Surname. If the name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.
See Example

Miscellaneous Documents

Use this form type when there is data (names, birth dates, etc.) to exctracted but it does not fit into any of the other catagories.

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Document Location

The document location is the place where the document was created. The document location is usually found at the top of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the document location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Street Address

This is the street address of where the person lived. Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Birth Month

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the month from this date, using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna (month).
See Example

Birth Year

The birth date is when the individual was born. The date might appear after the word născul, which is Romaian for born. Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The birth year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Birth Place

The birth place is where the individual was born. It will generally appear after the birth date (născul). Capture the birth place from the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a location is not found in the dictionary then key the location as seen.
See Example


The occupation is what an individual did for work. Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


The Age refers to the age of the primary person to whom the record pertains. The Romanian word for age is vârsta. The age should be found in a field or column containing this word. -If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age appears as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10.  -If an Age appears in months only, such as 10 months, then key the Age as a fraction of twelfths ' 10/12. -If an Age includes a fraction, such as 3 3/8, key only the whole number ' 3.
See Example


Key the sex or gender into the Gender field from the column labled sexul (sex). Use the dictionary for assistance. If the gender does not appear in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Please indicate whether this document has an image attached by keyeing "Yes" if a document is present and "No" if there is no photpgraph.
See Example

Name List/Table

The name list/table form type is for documents you come across that have a list or table of names, that are not "Declarație (Statement)."

Document Day

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the day from this date, which might be found after the word ziua (day).
See Example

Document Month

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the month from this date using the dictionary for assistance, which might be found after the word luna(day).
See Example

Document Year

The document date is the date the document was created, and will generally be found either at the top or the bottom of the document. It may appear in a field marked "intocmita azi" (prepared today) or "data" (date). Key the year from this date in the two or four digit format, which might be found after the word anul (year). The documetn year must be either two or four digits.
See Example

Document Location

The document location is the place where the document was created. The document location is usually found at the top of the document and will typically be "Cernăuți" or other variation of the city name of Chernivsti. If you see "Cernăuți" this is the document location you should key. If "Cernăuți" is not found on the document, look for a different location to key. Words to watch out for are: județ (county), municipiului (city), provinciei (province), and prefectura (prefecture). Key the document location using the dictionary for assistance. If the document location is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.
See Example

Given Name

The Given Name is the first and middle names of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The given name of an individual in Romanian is pronumele. Capture the Given Name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the Given Name does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. The name will generally appear in "Surname, Given Name" format on the form. The surname of an individual in Romanian is numele. Capture the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.
See Example


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.
See Example

Street Address

This is the street address of where the person lived. Look for "domîciliat in Cernăuti" (residence in Chernivsti). Key both the street (strade, or str.) and the number (număr or nr.) of the address as seen.
See Example


This is the city in which a person lives. It will appear in the column marked "localitates" (location). Capture the location using the dictionary provided for assistance.  If a city or town does not appear in the dictionary then key the city or town as seen. If ditto marks appear, copy down the location from the previous record.
See Example


The occupation is what an individual did for work. Look for it after the word or in the column labeled "profesia" (profession), "meseria" (job), or "specialitatea" (specialty). It could also appear in the employment of section: "fiind angajat la firma" (being employed at the company) is where the individual works and then "calitate de" (as) will be what the individual's occupation is. Key this occupation using the dicitonary for assistance. If the occupation is not in the dictionary, key as seen.
See Example