World Archives Project: Mayflower Births and Deaths, Vol. I and 2

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About this project This collection contains birth and death information of Mayflower descendants from twenty-three original families.

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This collection contains birth and death information for descendants of twenty-three Mayflower families. We will be capturing name, birth date and place, death date and place, parent names, and spouse names.

Each line will be keyed as a separate record. The primary person on each line will have a relationship field keyed. The relationship values will consist of Self, or Child. Keying a spouse name into the Spouse fields automatically assigns a relationship of spouse.

Generally the records in this project are of two types. Standard record entries, and "Children of" entries. Both types will be keyed using the same form type, the only difference being which fields will be keyed.

Standard record entries can be divided into male and female entries.

Male Standard record entries are typically given in the form: Given SURNAME ([Parent Given] [Parent Surname]), b. Birth Day, Birth Place d. Death Date, Death Place.

Female Standard record entries are typically given in the form: Given (SURNAME) Alias Surname, (Parent Given Parent Surname) b. Birth Day, Birth Place d. Death Date, Death Place. Female Standard record entries might also have a notation somewhere in the record of the spouse name in the form of: wf of [Spouse Given] [SPOUSE SURNAME]. Key the Spouse information in the appropriate Spouse name fields.

"Children of" entries indicate a special section where a record will first be keyed as a primary individual, then their spouse. The following children will be keyed as their own records, but the relationship field will be set to child. Most often these records appear in the following manner:

CHILDREN OF Given SURNAME & [Spouse Given] [SPOUSE SURNAME] (Number of Children) Given SURNAME, birth date and place; death date and place Given SURNAME, birth date and place; death date and place etc. out to the Number of Children listed.

In the records this format would appear thus:

CHILDREN OF John Smith & Mary Jones (2) Jason Smith, b. 1700 Susan Smith, b. 1703 Jacob Smith, d. 1706

In this example you would enter the records as follows.

Record 1

  • Given: John
  • Surname: Smith
  • Relationship: Self
  • Spouse Given: Mary
  • Spouse Surname: Jones
  • Number of Children: 2

Record 2

  • Given: Jason
  • Surname: Smith
  • Relationship: Child
  • Birth Year: 1700

Record 3

  • Given: Susan
  • Surname: Smith
  • Relationship: Child
  • Birth Year: 1703

Record 4

  • Given: Jacob
  • Surname: Smith
  • Relationship: Self
  • Death Year: 1706

Sometimes the Number of Children field is listed as only a portion, such as (2 of 6), and only two children are listed. In such cases, only key the first number given, in this case 2, in the Number of Children field.

Other times the "Children of" entry will be displayed as "Child of" with no Number of children listed in parenthesis. In this case the individual immediately following the "Child of" line is the only child. Key the Number of Children field as one, enter the child as their own record, and set the Relationship field to "Child."

Do not key information that is contained in < > brackets. This is additional source publication information, not event location information.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Descendant List

Descendant List

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Choose the Descendant List form type for all images containing birth and death information.


Key any titles before the Given name, such as "Dr", "Rev", "Mr" or "Mrs", using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the prefix as seen.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person to whom the record pertains using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a name does not appear in the dictionary then key the name as seen.

The Given can be found in either a standard record entry, or in a "Children of" entry.

In a standard entry, the Given name is most often in the form of: Given SURNAME...

In a "Children of" entry the Given name is most often found in the format of: CHILDREN OF Given SURNAME...


The Surname is the last name of the primary person to whom the record applies. Key the Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the surname as seen.

The Surname can be found in either a standard record entry, or in a "Children of" entry.

In a standard entry, the Surname is most often in the form of: Given SURNAME...

In a "Children of" entry the Surname is most often found in the format of: CHILDREN OF Given SURNAME...

If the surname is blank, copy down from the previous surname.

Alias Surname

Key any Alias Surname which appears. Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name will be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or may be preceded by the abbreviation "for" or the words "nee" or "formerly". All the rules for keying a primary name should also be followed for keying any alias name.

Key maiden names in this field.


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the suffix as seen.


Relationship to head of household, either Self, or Child. Do not enter a value other than "self" or "child".

Parent Given

The Parent's name will usually be listed in Parenthesis immediately following the Primary Name. Use the Given name dictionary to assist in keying this field.

In the event Both Parents are listed, key only the first entry.

Do not key parents for those whose relationship is "child". They will be added by post keying processes.

Do not key Prefixes in this field.

Parent Surname

The Parent's surname will usually be listed in Parentheses immediately following the Primary Name. Use the provided surname dictionary to assist in keying this field. Oftentimes only a given name is recorded. In this event, omit the surname.

Do not key parents for those whose relationship is "child". They will be added by post keying processes.

Do not key Suffixes in this field.

Spouse Prefix

Key any titles before the SpouseGiven name, such as "Mr", "Mrs", "Rev", or "Dr", of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If the spouse prefix does not appear in a dictionary then key the spouse prefix as seen.

Sometimes the Spouse name fields are preceeded by a number representing the primary person's number of marriage. Do not key this number.

Spouse Given

The Spouse Given is the first name or initial and any middle names of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record applies. Key the Spouse Given name using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a spouse given name does not appear in the dictionary then key the spouse given name as seen.

Sometimes the Spouse name fields are preceeded by a number representing the primary person's number of marriage. Do not key this number.

Spouse Surname

The Spouse Surname is the last name of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record applies. Key the Spouse Surname using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the spouse surname does not appear in the dictionary then key the spouse surname as seen.

Sometimes the Spouse name fields are preceeded by a number representing the primary person's number of marriage. Do not key this number.

Spouse Suffix

Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the spouse of the primary person to whom the record applies using a dictionary if provided for assistance. If a spouse suffix does not appear in a dictionary then key the spouse suffix as seen.

Sometimes the Spouse name fields are preceeded by a number representing the primary person's number of marriage. Do not key this number.

Number of Children

Key the Number of Children indicated on a Children of record. The Number of Children is indicated in the parentheses following the Husband and wife's name. Sometimes the entry will only list some of the children, such as (2 of 6). In such cases, key the first number, not the total number.

Other times the "Children of" entry will be displayed as "Child of" with no Number of children listed in parenthesis. In this case the individual immediately following the "Child of" line is the only child. Key the Number of Children field as one, enter the child as their own record, and set the Relationship field to "Child."

Birth Day

Key the birth day. If only a baptism date, and no birth date are given in a record, treat as a birth date.

Birth Month

Key the birth month from the designated birth date. If only a baptism date, and no birth date are given in a record, treat as a birth date.

Birth Year

Key the two or four digit number designated as the birth year in the birth date. The Year must be either two or four digits.

If only a baptism date, and no birth date are given in a record, treat as a birth date. Do not key c. in front of approximate years, treat as the exact year.

If a year range is given, key the latest year.

Birth Place

Key the birth place from the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a location is not found in the dictionary then key the location as seen.

Key geographic areas seperated by a comma, such as "Newport, Rhode Island".

Death Day

Key the death day from the designated death date.

Sometimes death dates are a range, such as "d. betwen 18 Nov 1784 (will) - 5 Aug. 1786 (prob.)." Key the latest date as the date of death.

If only a burial date and not a death date is given, treat as the death date.

Death Month

Key the death month from the designated death date. Using the provided dictionary, key the three-letter abbreviation for the month.

Sometimes death dates are a range, such as "d. betwen 18 Nov 1784 (will) - 5 Aug. 1786 (prob.)." Key the latest date as the date of death.

If only a burial date and not a death date is given, treat as the death date.

Death Year

Key the Death Year from the designated death date. Sometimes death dates are a range, such as "d. betwen 18 Nov 1784 (will) - 5 Aug. 1786 (prob.)." Key the latest date as the date of death. If only a burial date and not a death date is given, treat as the death date. Do not key c. in front of approximate years, treat as the exact year.

Death Place

Key the death place from the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. If a location is not found in the dictionary then key the location as seen.

Key geographic areas seperated by a comma, such as "Newport, Rhode Island".

Keying Samples

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40866 Cover Example 1.jpg

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40866 Image No Example 1.jpg