World Archives Project: London, England, School Admissions and Discharges, 1841-1911 Form2

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AWAP 32537 - Admissiondischarge 8.jpg
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About this project

The School Admissions and Discharges collection contains vital information about millions of students in London from early Victorian times (1841) to the early 20th century (1911). In the lists the researcher will find names of the pupils, dates of enrollment, birth dates, ages, parents' or guardians' names, and occupations. The project level difficulty is Average because the records are handwritten in specifically designated columns allowing for ease of locating the information to be keyed.

Form 2 is different in that each page requires two scans. The information from these two pages will be combined in back-end processing, to produce a unified index.

Attendance sheets are included in this collection. These should also be keyed.

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Examples of Pages you will Encounter

Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Title Page


AWAP 32537 - Admissiondischarge 8.jpg

The images in this project are split - the information for one record spans two pages and the two pages are split into two images. The first image may contain all the fields required to be keyed; however, often there remains at least one field to be keyed from the second image (page): Birth Date. In order to keep the information for each record together through the keying process and afterwards, there are TWO VERY important fields to key: Line Number and Page.
Some images will not have Birth Date information. These are typically assigned with an "A" in the page number.
Similarly, some images will have no information for you to key but the Birth Date. These are typically assigned with a "B" in the page number. Make sure that you do key from images that have only a Birth Date. If there is no information to key, assign the page number and submit.


The pages will have a page number (often times hand written) in the upper outside corner of the page. The page number will be shown as A (for left side of image) or B (for right side of image). Record the Page Number as it appears on the image. If there is no page number, mark the field blank.
See Example


A Line Number should be assigned for EACH line on the image -- if there are any keyable fields on the image. If the image is blank you do not need to key line numbers.
The Line Number does not appear on the record but must be assigned by the keyer. For the first record assign "1" as the Line Number then the subsequent records on the image will be assigned a Line Number incremented consecutively by one. The Line Number is NOT the Admission Number. This function should automatically occur for each record; however, it is necessary to verify that each record receives the correct Line Number. If you find that you need to insert or delete a line after inputting information, please go back and adjust the lines numbers so that they are consecutive.
If the image only shows a birth date (image B), assign a Line Number for each record, blank given and surname field and key the date of birth even if it is only the month and year or year. If the line does not have any required field information, but other information appears on the record, still assign a Line Number then mark the given and surname fields blank. This will ensure that when the part A and part B are put together that the lines will match. The Line Number is very important because the images in this project are split and in need of remaining together through the keying process and afterwards.

See Example

Admission Day

Key the Day from the date of admission column. The date of admission column normally appears in the day / month / year format. Roman numerals should be keyed in numeric form ie: V should be keyed as a 5, VI should be keyed as 6, etc. If there is only one date in the column of admission, use that date until a new date (if any) appears. If some form of ditto marks appear, key the date from above. Continue the date down the page until a different date is shown.
See Example

Admission Month

Key the Month from the date of admission using the drop-down list provided. The date appears in the day / month / year format with the months in numeric form. Key the Month in its full alpha form as provided by the drop-down list. For example, if the month appears as 11 key November.
See Example

Admission Year

Key the Year from the date of admission. The Year may be in either two or four digits, key as seen. The date of admission will normally be found in the day / month / year format.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Mr", "Miss" in the Prefix field using the drop-down list to provide assistance.
See Example

Given Name

Key the Given name(s) with the assistance of the drop-down list provided. The Given name consists of the first name or initial and any middle name or initial. If a Given name is not found in the dictionary then key the name as seen. The Given name can be found in columns title "Name in Full", "Full Name of Child", "Christian Names", or "Name". When keying from the second page where only Birth dates and Line numbers are being keyed, mark the name fields Blank.
See Example


Enter the Surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you. The Surname can be found in columns titled "Name in Full", "Surname", or "Full Name of Child". When the Surname does not appear in a column specifically designated as surname, the name most often appears in the Surname / Given Name format. Use the drop-down list to help determine if a name is either a given or a surname. If a name does not appear in the drop-down list then key the name as seen.
<<<Per WAP - We are not keying aliases for this project, a name in parenthesis would be ignored.>>>
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example

Parent Prefix

Key any titles which may appear before the given name of the Parent using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a prefix does not appear in the drop-down list then key the prefix as seen. The Parent name can be found in columns titled "Christian Names Parent's" or "Name of Parents or Guardian".
See Example

Parent Given Name

The Parent name can be found in columns titled "Christian Names Parent's" or "Name of Parents or Guardian". For example, if "Keith and Kerry" appear as the names of the parents then "Keith" is the Parent Given name. Key the Given name using the drop-down list provided for assistance. Often only one name appears in the column, whether "mother" or "father" the parent given name is keyed here. A Given name consists of any first name or initial with any middle name or initial.
An example of a guardian that should be keyed is Dr. Barnados. Do not list guardians such as St Pancras Guardians.
See Example

Parent Surname

Key the Parent Surname using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a Surname does not appear in the drop-down list then key the surname as seen.
See Example

Parent Suffix

A Parent Suffix is any title which follows the parent surname. Key any Parent Suffix which may appear following the parent surname using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a Parent Suffix does not appear in the drop-down list then key the Parent Suffix as seen.
See Example

Parent 2 Prefix

Key any titles which may appear before the given name of Parent 2 using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If the Parent 2 Prefix does not appear in the drop-down list then key the prefix as seen. The Parent 2 name can be found following the Parent Name in columns titled "Christian Names Parent's" or "Name of Parents or Guardian". The Parent 2 is for the second parent which may appear in the parent columns.
See Example

Parent 2 Given Name

The Parent 2 name can be found following the Parent Given Name in columns titled "Christian Names Parent's" or "Name of Parents or Guardian". For example, if "Keith and Kerry" appear as the names of the parents then "Kerry" is the Parent 2 Given name. Key the Parent 2 Given name using the drop-down list provided for assistance. Often only one name appears in the column, whether "mother" or "father" the parent 2 given name is keyed here. A Parent 2 Given name consists of any first name or initial with any middle name or initial.
See Example

Parent 2 Surname

The Parent 2 Surname is for the second parent name which may appear on an image using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a Surname does not appear in the drop-down list then key the surname as seen.
See Example

Parent 2 Suffix

A Parent 2 Suffix is any title which follows the parent 2 surname and pertains to the suffix which may appear for the second parent. Key any Parent 2 Suffix which may appear following the parent 2 surname using the drop-down list provided for assistance. If a Parent 2 Suffix does not appear in the drop-down list then key the Parent 2 Suffix as seen.
See Example

Birth Day

Some images will not have Birth Date information. These are typically assigned with an "A" in the page number. Similarly, some images will have no information for you to key but the Birth Date. These are typically assigned with a "B" in the page number. Enter the Day from the date of birth column. The date of birth will be found in its own column titled "date of birth" or "date of child's birth" in the day / month / year format. Key the date in its numeric form. Do not key leading zeroes. Roman numerals should be keyed in numeric form ie: V should be keyed as a 5, VI should be keyed as 6, etc.
See Example

Birth Month

Enter the full name of the Month from the date of birth, using the drop-down list to help you. The date of birth is found in its own column in the day / month / year format. The Month normally appears in its numeric form; however, the drop-down list will help to key the Month in its corresponding full name. For example, if the Month appears as 11, key November.
See Example

Birth Year

Enter the two or four-digit Year from the date of birth column. The date of birth is found in its own column in the day / month / year format. Key the year as seen.
>>>Per Anna: Partial years should only be keyed if you can see the last two digits. In the case where all that is on the record is two digits you only key it if you can determine both digits. Illegible is the appropriate entry for this field.<<<
See Example


For this project, key the Age as found in the "Y" section of the "Age" column. Key the Age only if a birth date is not available on the record. If an Age includes years, months, and/or days then key only the years. For example, if an Age is given as 10 years, 7 months then key the Age as 10.
See Example

Title Page

These images display the name of the school and years contained within the register. Nothing is to be keyed from these images. However, it is important that they be marked as Title Pages.