World Archives Project: Jacksonville, Florida Area City Directories

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AWAP 31559 - Names page.jpg
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About this project

This is a collection of city directories from a number of places in Florida. Both business names and the names of individuals in the cities are found in these directories from 1924 to 1949.

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The Southern Genealogist's Exchange Society, Inc. Southerngenealogistsexchange.jpg

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Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Title Page
Names Page
Other Page

Title Page

The title page is characterized by the title of the directory in large print near the top of the right-hand page. There may also be names of individuals and businesses on the page. When a directory contains both a normal Names page and a title page, use the Title Page form, and blank the parts of the Name Page Section Header that do not apply.

Directory Title

Enter the title of the directory. This is usually found in large print near the top of the image. Replace the ampersand symbol (&) with the word "and".
See Example


Key the publisher information found at the bottom of the image. You can usually find the terms "Publisher", "Publishers", or "Copyright" near the name of the publishing company. Replace the ampersand symbol (&) with the word "and".
See Example

Publication Year

Enter the four-digit year of publication for the directory.
See Example

Page Number

Enter the page number. It may be located either at the top or bottom margin of the image.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Dr" or "Rev" in the Prefix field.
See Example


Enter the surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example

Given Name

Key the first name and any middle names or initials as they appear on the image. Please do not expand abbreviated names.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example

Business Name

Key the full name of the business as it appears on the image. Please only enter the name of the business in this field. If there is a name associated with the business (as in First Bank of Pepperland; Jeremy Nowhere, President), enter only the first of the individuals listed in the name fields for this record. Remember to omit periods after initials and replace the ampersand symbol (&) with the word "and".

A person's occupation, such as "plumber" is not a business name.

Only key the name of the business when it is the primary entry (listed first). When a person is the primary entry, omit the name of the business.

Societies and Lodges are handled differently than most organizations. For these key only the headers, such as "Independent Order Of Odd Fellows", "Knights of Columbus" or "Daughters of Rebekah", omit the individual lodges and chapters.

Omit the ads on the margins of the page. These are all covered in a separate Index of Advertisers, which is keyed.
See Example

Names Page

This form type is different in that it includes names, either of individuals living in the city or of businesses in the area. There is not a title on these pages.

Page Number

Enter the page number. It may be located either at the top or bottom margin of the image.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Dr" or "Rev" in the Prefix field.
See Example


Enter the surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example

Given Name

Key the first name and any middle names or initials as they appear on the image. Please do not expand abbreviated names.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example

Business Name

Key the full name of the business as it appears on the image. Please only enter the name of the business in this field. If there is a name associated with the business (as in First Bank of Pepperland; Jeremy Nowhere, President), enter only the first of the individuals listed in the name fields for this record. Remember to omit periods after initials and replace the ampersand symbol (&) with the word "and".

A person's occupation, such as "plumber" is not a business name.

Only key the name of the business when it is the primary entry (listed first). When a person is the primary entry, omit the name of the business.

Societies and Lodges are handled differently than most organizations. For these key only the headers, such as "Independent Order Of Odd Fellows", "Knights of Columbus" or "Daughters of Rebekah", omit the individual lodges and chapters.

Omit the ads on the margins of the page. These are all covered in a separate Index of Advertisers, which is keyed.
See Example

Other Page

This form type is for any images that are not title images and don't fit in the section of the book for alphabetical listings. There may be advertisements on the pages, which is why we have left room for entering data on this form type. It will probably be easier to enter data if you turn the highlights off for this form type.

Page Number

Enter the page number. It may be located either at the top or bottom margin of the image.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Dr" or "Rev" in the Prefix field.
See Example

Given Name

Key the first name and any middle names or initials as they appear on the image. Please do not expand abbreviated names.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example


Enter the surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you.

Where there is a spouse listed in parentheses, such as "John Smith (Mary)" create a new line for Mary, dittoing the husband's surname. Likewise, when an entry such as "Susan Smith (wid Steven)", create a new line for Steven, dittoing his widow's surname.
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example

Business Name

Key the full name of the business as it appears on the image. Please only enter the name of the business in this field. If there is a name associated with the business (as in First Bank of Pepperland; Jeremy Nowhere, President), enter only the first of the individuals listed in the name fields for this record. Remember to omit periods after initials and replace the ampersand symbol (&) with the word "and".

A person's occupation, such as "plumber" is not a business name.

Only key the name of the business when it is the primary entry (listed first). When a person is the primary entry, omit the name of the business.

Societies and Lodges are handled differently than most organizations. For these key only the headers, such as "Independent Order Of Odd Fellows", "Knights of Columbus" or "Daughters of Rebekah", omit the individual lodges and chapters.

Omit the ads on the margins of the page. These are all covered in a separate Index of Advertisers, which is keyed.
See Example