World Archives Project: England, Criminal Lunatic Asylum Registers, 1820-1843

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About this project In this project we will be keying Name, Age, Crime, Residence Place, Trial or Conviction Date and Trial City.

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This collection is a register of individuals who were convicted of crimes and found to be criminally insane. Those convicted were committed to various asylums. We will be keying the name of the convict, alias if available, age, crime committed, residence place and trial date and place.

Project-specific sample images and form field help:
Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Cover page, Section header, etc
Image with no data


EnglandCriminalLunaticAsylum List 1.JPG

Choose the "List" form type for images with names to key.

Additional Image Samples


Key any titles before the given name, such as "Dr," "Mr," or "Mrs," of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Only prefix values should be keyed into the prefix field. When provided, the Prefix will be located before the Given Name.


Key the first name or initial and any middle names of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Initials should be keyed with a space between them and without entering periods. Name will be located in the column labeled "Name".


Key the surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Pressing F3 will copy the surname down from the above record. Name will be located in the column labeled "Name".


Key all titles, such as "Jr" or "III", following the surname of the primary person as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. When provided, the Suffix will be located after the Surname.

Alias Surname

Key any Alias Surname which appears. Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual. This name may be denoted by parentheses, quotation marks, or may be preceded by the abbreviation "for" or the words "nee" or "formerly". Key the alias surname as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance.


Key the age as seen at the time the record was recorded using the dictionary provided for assistance. If present, age may be found next to the word "Age" or "Aged" and should be a number between 1 and 120.Valid ages include numeric digits between "0" and "120" and fractions between "1/12" and "11/12." If an age includes years, months, and/or days key only the years. For example, if an age appears as 10 years, 7 months, key age as "10." If an age appears in months, such as 10 months, key age as a fraction: "10/12." If an Age includes years plus a fraction, such as 3 3/12, key only the year: "3." If the age is less than one month, key "0."


When provided, key the crime as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Crime is typically found in the column labeled "Crime".

Residence Place

Key the residence place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: All Saints, Southampton. Residence Place is typically found in the column labeled "To what Parish belongs" or "Native of".

Trial or Conviction Place

Key the trial or conviction place place as seen on the record using the dictionary provided for assistance. Separate any geographical locations with a comma. Ex: All Saints, Southampton. Trial or conviciton place will be located in the column labeled "Where and When Tried".

Trial or Conviction Day

Key the day from the conviction date as seen on the record. When provided, conviction day is typically found in the column labeled "When and where Arraigned or Tried with Verdict of the Jury," "Where and When Tried" or "when sent to Bethlehem Hospital".

Trial or Conviction Month

Key the month in its three-letter abbreviation from the conviction date using the dictionary provided for assistance. If the month appears as a number, key as seen. When provided, conviction month is typically found in the column labeled "When and where Arraigned or Tried with Verdict of the Jury," "Where and When Tried" or "when sent to Bethlehem Hospital".

Trial or Conviction Year

Key the year from the conviction date as seen on the record. When provided, conviction year is typically found in the column labeled "When and where Arraigned or Tried with Verdict of the Jury," "Where and When Tried" or "when sent to Bethlehem Hospital".

Keying Image Samples

Cover page, Section header, etc

EnglandCriminalLunaticAsylum Capture 1.JPG

Use the "Cover page, Section header, etc' form type for images that do not contain data, but might be interesting to look at because they provide context for the image set. Example: historical notes, affidavits, etc.

Additional Image Samples

Image with no data

EnglandCriminalLunaticAsylum Blank.JPG

Use the 'Image with no data' form type for images that do not contain data or any useful context that might be interesting for someone to look at. Example: An image containing a blank background.


EnglandCriminalLunaticAsylum Target.JPG

Choose the "Target" form type when the image is of a color and/or gray scale target. Target images are used to determine focus and color balance in the initial digitizing process.