World Archives Project: Dictionary of National Biography, Volumes 1-20, 22

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AWAP 31205 - Content page.jpg
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About this project

This project contains exciting biographical information of prominent figures in Britain and Ireland in an easy-to-read, typewritten format. The reason for the "advanced" difficulty rating is the necessity to read through the biographical information to capture the information wanted. Normally, the biographies are not too long and follow a similar format.

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Project-specific sample images and form field help:

Choose a sample image from below to see the corresponding form field examples.
Index Page
Title, Contributors, and Misc.
Corrigenda Page


These images have all the content information needed for keying. The images have page numbers and alphabetical biographical subjects.

Page Number

Key the page number found at the top of the page, usually in the center.
See Example


Because some biographies continue from the previous page or continue on to the next page and the required keying fields may be split between images, we have added this field so that we can unite the data for the biographical subject later.  There are three selections in the dictionary provided: Complete on this image; Continued from previous image; and, Continues on to next image. If the fields necessary to key for a biographical subject are continued on to the next image choose "continues on to next image".  Even if the next image is not part of your image set, make this selection if you are unable to continue keying the required fields because they may be on the next image.  If your image set begins with a continued biographical subject choose "continued from previous image" then key the information visible on your image. Do not worry about what was keyed on the previous image because the data from both pages will later be put together in one record for the individual. If the portion of the biography that you have contains no information to be keyed, then do not enter anything in this field and just proceed to the next biographical subject. If all of the information for the biogrpahical subject that we are asking you to key is on the same image, or the entire biographical sketch begins and ends on the same page, then select "complete on this image" as the navigation.
See Example


Key any titles before the name, such as "Dr" or "Rev" in the Prefix field.
See Example

Given Name

Key the first name or initial and any middle names, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example


Enter the surname here as it appears on the image, using the drop-down list to help you.  Key the bold surname in capitals at the beginning of the biography.  The surname precedes the given name.  Do not key the surname or surnames from the top of the page or from within the biography. 
See Example


Key all titles following the surname, such as "Jr" or "III."
See Example

Alias Prefix

Key any titles before the alias given name, such as "Mr" or Mrs".
See Example

Alias Given Name

Key any Alias Given Name which appears.  Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual.  This name may be denoted by parentheses.  All the rules for keying a primary name should also be followed for keying any Alias name. 
See Example

Alias Surname

Key any Alias Surname which appears.  Occasionally an alternate name may be recorded for a given individual.  This name may be denoted by parentheses.  All the rules for keying a primary name should also be followed for keying any alias name.
See Example

Alias Suffix

Key any titles following the alias surname such as "Jr" or "III". 
See Example

Birth Day

Enter the birth month if it appears on the image. The day of birth will either precede the month of birth or follow it. The complete date of birth may appear anywhere within the content of the biographical information for an individual.
See Example

Birth Month

Enter the birth month if it appears on the image. The month will either precede or follow the day of birth. The complete date of birth may appear anywhere within the biographical content for the individual.
See Example

Birth Year

The birth year will normally be found following the name of the individual and within the content of the biographical for the individual. If no complete birth date appears following the name of the individual or within the biographical content, key only the year. A year may appear as "1776 or 1777" or "1776/77".  Key as seen.  If the year appears as "about 1777", key only the year - 1777.   
See Example

Birth Location

The place of birth may appear anywhere within the biographical content for the individual. Key the place of birth if it appears, using the drop-down list to help.  Sometimes a location is described in great detail.  For example, if the locations says "Bellevue, near Paris on Eldon Road".  Key the locations separated by a comma from the smallest juridiction to the largest: Eldon Road, Bellevue, Paris.  A residence of parents is not a birth location for the biographical subject. 
See Example

Given Name of Father

The given name of the father may appear anywhere within the biographical content. Key the name as it appears, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example

Surname of the Father

The surname of the father may appear anywhere within the biographical content. Key the name as it appears, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example

Given Name of Mother

The given name of the mother may appear anywhere within the biographical content. Key the name as it appears, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example

Surname of Mother

The surname of the mother may appear anywhere within the biographical content. Key the surname as it appears, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example

Death Day

Key the death day as it appears on the image. Dates of death may be in the month/day/year format or the day/month/year format. The day of death may be found next to the name of the biographical subject or anywhere within the biographical content. Key only the "day" of death in this field.
See Example

Death Month

The death month may appear in the day/month/year format or the month/day/year format. The month of death may appear next to the biographical subject or anywhere within the biographical content. Key only the month of death in this field, using the drop-down list to help.
See Example

Death Year

The death year may appear in the day/month/year format or the month/day/year format. Key only the death year in this field. The death year may be found next to the name of the biographical subject or anywhere within the biographical content. A year may appear as "1776 or 1777" or "1776/77".  Key as seen.  If the year appears as "about 1777", key only the year - 1777. 
See Example

Place of Death

The place of death may be found anywhere within the biographical content of the individual. Key the place of death as it appears, using the drop-down list to help.  Sometimes a location is described in great detail.  For example, if the locations says "Bellevue, near Paris on Eldon Road".  Key the locations separated by a comma from the smallest juridiction to the largest: Eldon Road, Bellevue, Paris.  A burial place is not a place of death.
See Example

Index Page

The Index images have alphabetical listings of names with corresponding page numbers where one can find the subject in the volume. There is no information to be keyed from these images.

Title, Contributors, and Misc.

This form type is for images of Title Pages, Contributors, portraits, contents, graphs, or any miscellaneous which do not fit into the project-specific form types.  This form type is not for Index pages or Corrigenda page. There is no information to be keyed from these images.

Corrigenda Page

These images have alphabetical listings split into two columns, with the word "Corrigenda" in the header. There is nothing to be keyed from these images.