Talk:Surname Page Content Suggestions

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House of Mendoza Castle looks like castle in Zambrana crest.

== Fortun Sanchez Grandee Zambrana.<ref name="Mogrobejo2010">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main() </ref> ==

Fortun Sanchez of Mendoza,Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. <ref name="SANDOVAL1601">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

was the first Grandee Zambrana, <ref name="Fern�ndez1956">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

receiving his title in Burgos on 1058 and died in 1088. <ref></ref> <ref name="Cascales1775">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Madoz(Madrid)1847">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

The grandee title was given to him by [[Sancho IV of Navarre]] , for his service to Sancho III of Navarre and to Garcia Sanchez III of Navarre, The Zambrana family crest shows two silver stars for this service to the crown. <ref name="Sandoval1601">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Fortun serve as page and squire until he became lord Zambrana. <ref name="Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial">{{cite book|title=Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial|url= November 2012|year=1787|publisher=Imp. de Manuel Gonzalez|pages=245�}}</ref> <ref name="Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial">{{cite book|title=Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial|url= November 2012|year=1787|publisher=Imp. de Manuel Gonzalez|pages=202�}}</ref> <ref name="Sandoval1601">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>.

<ref name="Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial">{{cite book|title=Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial|url= December 2012|year=1787|publisher=Imp. de Manuel Gonzalez|pages=245�}}</ref> <ref name="Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial">{{cite book|title=Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial|url= December 2012|year=1787|publisher=Imp. de Manuel Gonzalez|pages=202�}}</ref>

Zambrana, Spain came to be after the [[Solar (Spanish term)|Solares]] or house mark Zambrana became Villa Zambrana<ref name="Piferrer1858">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>
Due to the many languages spoken in Spain, many spelling variations of the same name are shown in

history. Spain, France and England have records of the Zambrano in their historical documents as follows; Zambrana,Zambrano,Cambrano,Sambrano,Sembrano,Zambraos,Zambranok are among the most noted in history.<ref name="Valenzuela2003">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref name="Catalogo

de la coleccion , antes denominada">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref


        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Library of congress: Endika de Mogrobejo continued the work and in Endika's volume 13 I found the article on the Zambranos. The citation is: <>.


Family Crest Zambrana

Zambrana, Navarre

Jaen, Baeza, Ubeda, Linares


Netherlands, flanders



Zambrana or Zambrano.<ref name="Piferrer1858">{{cite book|author=Francisco Piferrer|title=Nobiliario de los reinos y se�orios de Espa�a (revisado por A. Rujula y Busel).|url= November 2012|year=1858|pages=42�}}</ref> <ref name="Cascales1775">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Mogrobejo2010">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="GuerraMayor1867">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Castile Silver: A family establish by a Royal gold family of

Castile. Silver Moon, Sole duty to protect the maiden ladies and the orphans.

2 Silver Stars: Represent Service to King [[Garc�a S�nchez III of

Navarre]] and King Sancho III of Navarre

8 Golden saltire Cross: Cross of St. Andrew. Conquest of

Baez or Baeza. And the 8 count marks as a new family from a existing family or Grandee. Gold Sun, Sole duty is to protect the prince to the Death, and guard the poor.

Red field or Gules, Mars, Victory.
Blue Border or Azure, Jupiter, Protector.

[ Zambrana Crest] in Palacio de Zambrana Herran<ref name="Cascales1775">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

[ Zambrana crest Heraldic records] Page 40 Illustration. Record 730. page 42.

All the Zambrana(o) are known by this sigil. Those near sea

will add water waves; those that serve the French Kings will have a red castle and flower. Many Families sprouted all over Spain, Italy and America. The most important families are register in the Orders of Spain. The Zambranos that belong to these orders are the most important in history. They are Explorers, rich miners, zealots for the Catholic religion. The Zambrano were Inherited to the Kingdom of Granada after the Reconquista by the king�s of Spain. The Zambrano were inherited for their Castile lineage and service to the crown. The Zambrana(o) have monuments in Spain and America. They govern Castles, monuments, House mark , and regal tombs. According to the digital library of Spain and the genealogy science department there are 5 original families in America.

Service to the Kings of Spain, Germany, Italy and America (Indias).

1. Fortun Sanchez of Mendoza, Page to [[Garcia Sanchez III of Navarre]] and to Sancho III of Navarre And became Lord Zambrana under Sancho IV of Navarre. <ref name="Cascales1621">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

1.1 Martin Alonzo De Zambrana, Conquest of Baeza in 1227. [[ | Los arcos del alcanzar.]] [[ | Lista de los 300 Soldados ]] <ref name="SorianoTejada2000">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="L�pez2012">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

2. Pedro Sanchez Iniguez De Zambrana Serve Henry III of Castile. Govern over the castle Mula, Murcia,Spain.

2.1 Francisco Zambrana y Montemayor brother to Juan Perez de Zambrana Regidor de Ubeda. <ref name="Pe�aranda1975">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Mendoza2005">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

3. Pedro Zambrana Page to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and member of the order of Santiago. <ref name="Cascales1621">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

3.1Zambrano, Navarro, Alva."El carnicero" libro en aleman. Buscando. German book in google books.

4. Isidro, Hipolito and Antonio Zambrano, serve Philip II of Spain in England.

4.1 Jaun Zambrano Grnad child to Antonio Zambrano Serve in Bruges/Brujas.

4. Don Pedro Zambrano y Gordillo receive the title Marquez Zambrano (Marquis von zambrano) on 1761, Under Spanish Empire. The title migrated to Italy under Ferdinand VII.. <ref name="Catal�Galcer�n1769">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Fontane1848">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Oesterreichischer Beobachter">{{cite book|title=Oesterreichischer Beobachter|url= March 2013|year=1847|publisher=Strau�|pages=230�}}</ref> <ref name="BerghausHumboldt1829">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Bayreuther Zeitung">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Conversations-Lexikon der Gegenwart: In vier B�nden. K bis O">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Suplemento al Elenco de grandezas y t�tulos nobiliarios espa�oles: T�tulos vacantes y t�tulos extranjeros cuyo uso fue autorizado en Espa�a">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Der Oesterreichische Beobachter">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Ranft1762">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Oesterreichischer Beobachter">{{cite book|title=Oesterreichischer Beobachter|url= March 2013|year=1832|publisher=Strau�|pages=1435�}}</ref> <ref name="�sterreichischer Beobachter">{{cite book|title=�sterreichischer Beobachter|url= March 2013|year=1833|publisher=A. Strauss|pages=701�}}</ref> <ref name="BredowVenturini1829">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Der Wanderer">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Neckar-Zeitung">{{cite book|title=Neckar-Zeitung|url= March 2013|year=1826|pages=787�}}</ref> <ref name="SparksSanger1831">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Blanchetai1962">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Quinze ann�es d'un proscrit">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

6. [ Marquez Zambrano] #2

7. Marquez Zambrano #3

Zambra and Zamorano became Zambrano in America

Zambra<ref name="Genealog�a">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref


        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref


        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

The Zambra Family belong to the Barnuevo Family year 1435. Calatrava order templar family. Zambra family shows sinople tree, w/ golden fruit in golden field. Sobreabo tree shows Zambrana origin.

Barnuevo shows 4 quarter shield Castile and calatrava.

Zamora Family are related to the Princes of Castile. Year 1067. Identical to Zambrana but with fleur de reus were the saltire cross would be.

Zambrano in Arab records.<ref name="Molenat1997">{{cite book|author=Jean Pierre Molenat|title=Campagnes et Monts de Tol�de du XIIe au XVe si�cleAge|url= April 2013|year=1997|publisher=Casa de Vel�zquez|isbn=978-84-86839-78-9|pages=87�89 , 100.}}</ref>


Template:Ahnentafel top


Template:Ahnentafel bottom

Grandee Vizcaya <ref name="Garcia2002">{{cite book|author=Francisco Rodriguez Garcia|title=Cronica Del Se�orio de Vizcaya|url= November 2012|date=22 November 2002|publisher=Editorial MAXTOR|isbn=978-84-9761-029-2|pages=46�}}</ref><ref></ref> <ref name="Sandoval1601">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Basque se�or�os Lord of Biscay<ref></ref>

As per the records of the Roda Codex

Family tree for Jimeno of Pamplona and Banu Qasi<ref name="NavarreteNavarrete2008">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Father:[[Fort�n Garc�s of Pamplona]]<ref></ref> <ref name="Sanz2007">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Ayes2010">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Jur�o1995">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Morets�n1892">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Mother: Aurea daugther of [[Lop ibn Musa]].<ref></ref>

Children: ��igo Fort�nez Aznar Fort�nez,Blasco (Velasco) Fort�nez,Lope Fort�nez,Onneca Fort�nez

1) D. Lope Fortunez Jaun Zuria "The white Lord" 1st Grandee of Vizcaya<ref></ref><ref></ref> [ Zuriain]<ref></ref>

Da. Dalda daugther of D. Sancho Estiguiz Grandee of [[Durango,


2) D. Munio Lopez or Manso Lopez 2nd Grandee of Vizcaya, Grandee Lopez.<ref name="P�rez1741">{{cite book|author=Pedro Morote P�rez|title=Antiguedad, y blasones de la ciudad de Lorca, y Historia de Santa Maria la Real de las Huertas...|url= November 2012|year=1741|publisher=por Francisco Joseph Lopez Mesnier, en la calle de Zambrana|pages=214�}}</ref>

Da. Velazquita o Blasquita Daughter of Sancho II of Pamplona<ref


        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

3) Inigo Lopez 3rd El Ezquerra "left hand"Grandee of Vizcaya

4) Lope Diaz 4th Botiller Grandee of Vizcaya

Elvira Bermudez

5)Father: Sancho Lopez 5th Grandee of Vizcaya <ref name="Alava1661">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Piferrer1858">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

House Mendoza <ref name="Piferrer1858">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Coronel1946">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>
Princes Dona Urraca Daughter of Sancho I of Pamplona
Uncle: Inigo Lopez Esquerra as his granfather. Grandee Haro

after conquest of Baeza.

Brother: Lope Sanchez Grandee Laudio/Llodio<ref name="Alava1661">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Fortun Sanchez Mendoza Squire that became Grandee Zambrana

Surnames from Navarra/Pamplona or Biscaya have Wolf Sable or Sinople Tree.<ref name="Prayla1867">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Fortun Sanchez was given his grandee title after the conquest of Baeza or Paez.<ref></ref> Fortun receive the title of lord do to his royal lineage <ref name="Garcia2002">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Zabala1885">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

, Lope Fortunez Jaun Zuria �The white lord� the 1st [[Lord of Biscay]] was son to Fort�n Garc�s of Pamplona recorded in the Roda Codex.<ref name="Garcia2002">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

The lords of vizcaya joined the Pamplona/Navarra kingdom by the marriage of Velasquita Daughter of Sancho I of Pamplona and the 2nd lord of viscaya Munio Lopez uncle to Fortun Sanchez. Fortun Sanchez is son to Count Sancho Lopez the 5th Lord of Biscay and Dona Urraca Sanchez daughter of Sancho I of Pamplona who became Queen of Leon and mother to Sancho I of Leon. His brother Lope Sanchez serve as Manager to king Sancho III of Navarra and became the 6th Lord of Biscay and was the first to receive a family crest.

Grandee Lope Fortunez has a house mark in Zuriain. And is recorded as the 1s Lord of Viscay. (Jaun, Fuero , Count or Grandee).<ref name="Zuricalday1885">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Grandee Zambrana <ref name="Piferrer1858">{{cite book|author=Francisco Piferrer|title=Nobiliario de los reinos y se�orios de Espa�a (revisado por A. Rujula y Busel).|url= November 2012|year=1858|pages=43�}}</ref>

1) Fortun Sanchez De Zambrana.<ref name="Zam�cola1818">{{cite book|author=Juan Antonio de Zam�cola|title=Historia de las naciones bascas de una y otra parte del Pirineo septentrional y costas del mar Cant�brico|url= November 2012|year=1818|pages=60�}}</ref> <ref name="PiferrerColmillo1857">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref name="Spain)1953">{{cite

book|author=Centro de Estudios Hist�ricos Internacionales (Barcelona, Spain)|title=Indice hist�rico espa�ol: bibliograf�a hist�rica de Espa�a e Hispanoam�rica|url= November 2012|year=1953|publisher=Edicions Universitat Barcelona|pages=98�|id=GGKEY:N705USK76BP}}</ref>


2) Martin Alonso De Zambrana.

3) Juan De Zambrana.

4) Pedro Sanchez Iniguez De Zambrana. Serve Henry III of Castile Govern over the castle Mula, Murcia,Spain.

5) Nofre De Zambrana.

6) Pedro Zambrana. Squire to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Member of the order of Santiago.<ref name="Sabio1980">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

7) Don Pedro Martin De Zambrana. Grandee Torralba<ref name="De2010">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

8) Don Pedro Iniguez De Zambrana. 17th Century.

9) Don Pedro Zambrana Fajardo. His Brother Don Manuel Zambrana Guerrero died with no children, they belong to the [[order of Santiago]].

Francisca Zambrana(o) move to america, lived in colima Mexico, Her

husband worked for Ponce de Leon Family and died in California.

10) Ana Zambrana.

11) Dona Cathalina Maria De Zambrana. Her family belongs to the order of Alcantara.

12) Dona Ginesa Junteros y Zambrana. She Belongs to the Ponce De Leon Family.

Template:Ahnentafel top


Template:Ahnentafel bottom

Template:Ahnentafel top


Template:Ahnentafel bottom

Zambrano DNA by location

Haplogroup E-M215 (Y-DNA)

South migration from Palestine to south Europe and North Africa.

====Em183 Berber, South West Spain.==== Portal:Berbers

  • The berber oroginated from Etiopia. The berber were conquer by

the Egyptian and Arab empires. The Berber Jews group settle in Gaul. Berber and visigoths are recorded to mix during this time, one of this family are the Banu Qasi.

  • The berber founded empires in north africa and south Spain.

Taifas emirate.<ref name="PavlacCannon2004">{{cite book|author1=Brian A. Pavlac|author2=Byron Cannon|title=Great Events From History: The Middle Ages, 477-1453|url= April 2013|date=15 November 2004|publisher=Salem Press, Incorporated|isbn=978-1-58765-167-0|pages=307�326}}</ref>[[ Page 86-87]]

Czech Republic.<ref name="PavlacCannon2004">{{cite book|author1=Brian A. Pavlac|author2=Byron Cannon|title=Great Events From History: The Middle Ages, 477-1453|url= April 2013|date=15 November 2004|publisher=Salem Press, Incorporated|isbn=978-1-58765-167-0|pages=307�326}}</ref>

Haplogroup R-M207

Migrated from Palestine to Asia mostly, Europe and Africa.

R1b Basque

The basque people grew with in the same territory as the british Britania. This can be seen on their flag with is the english jack with different colors.

The basque people have been divided by the Spanish March.

Haplogroup J-M172

Migrated from Palestine to Asia Mostly and Europe.

Email me to add your dna and location or you can do dna test kit here.


[ EL CONVENTO DE SAN JUAN BAUTISTA DE VILLALBA DEL ALCOR] A tomb shows Ponce De Leon tomb with Zambrano family crest. Alonso Zambrano And Rodrigo Zambrano and his family were companions in his explorations. Historical records show the Zambrano Family marry into the Ponce De Leon Family. Google map the adress, calle de Francisco Alcal� #40, Villalba del Alcor, Seville, Spain.

[ Castillo de Mula:] Zambrana Family serve as Governor of the castle.Castle is located in the mount North of present mula city , Murcia, Spain.

[ Arco de Alcanzar Baeza"Plaza del populo":]<ref name="Cascales1775">{{cite book|author=Francisco Cascales|title=Discursos historicos de la... Ciudad de Murcia. 2. Impr|url= November 2012|year=1775|publisher=Francisco Benedito|pages=503�}}</ref> <ref></ref> Arco de Alcanzar de Baeza or Plaza del populo or Arco de los Leones. Has the Zambrano Crest as great Heros. The code of arms in the arc directly infront of the fountain of lions is the Zambrana code of arms.

[ Puerta de Dona Urraca]Built at the end of the 10th century, later given the name Zambranos. The arc gate was part of the Zambranos Palace. This is a Spanish Monument of great historical importance.

[,-6.498338&sspn=0.094186,0.142479&t=h&hnear=Fuente+del+Maestre,+Province+of+Badajoz,+Extremadura,+Spain&z=10 Fuente del Maestre]. Zambrano Family members lived here as great orders of spain. <ref name="Contreras1982">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Valenzuela2003">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Melgar1965">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

All this monuments are available to see in google earth. [,-5.74874+to:fuente+del+populo+baeza+to:calle+de+Francisco+Alcal%C3%A1+40,+Villalba+del+Alcor+to:fuente+del+maestre&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=41.153842,-3.691406&spn=4.127309,9.832764&sll=38.702659,-3.47168&sspn=4.277687,9.832764&geocode=Fe9zRAIdB1Lp_ynJJHo2RF5kDTFg6iLXbq8CBA%3BFbVPeQId_Eeo_w%3BFUK2QwIdiAvL_yE750DEMCCeBCmFTtbzl4tuDTE750DEMCCeBA%3BFVihOgIdmzed_ymN62IkFfQRDTFATD7C9OuB_Q%3BFXTmSwIdSJWd_ykNlmksMKoWDTEA95-M_WMEBA&t=h&mra=ls&z=7 Click here] for a map with driving directions to all the monuments.

[ Palacio Zambrana and Herran], Located in A�ana, Spain

Palacio Zambrana, Located in Linares, Ja�n, Spain<ref name="Bolet�n del Instituto de Estudios Giennenses">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>[[

| Linaje de Zambrana pdf.]]<ref name="G�mez1979">{{cite book|author=Mariano S�ez G�mez|title=Hidalgu�as de Ja�n|url= April 2013|date=1 January 1979|publisher=Ediciones Hidalguia|isbn=978-84-00-04442-8}}</ref>

[ Casa de Caridad Zambrano] "Image 11 of 18", Banos de la encina, Spain.

Kingdom of Granada (Crown of Castile). Zambrano Family. <ref name="Ocariz1676">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

America (Colonial 1492-1800)

Casa de Contrataci�n Sevilla. Crews logs data base. [ Main Web page Casa de contratacion] <ref name="IndiasOviedo1940">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Zambrano en Sevilla. <ref name="Gu�a de Sevilla: Su provincia, arzobispado, capitania general, tercio naval, audiencia territorial y distrito universitario...">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Juan Zambrano, Guadalajara, Spain, Died in battle under Charles V. 1535. <ref name="Sandoval1681">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Rodrigo Zambrano <ref name="Mir1995">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Manuel Zambrano <ref name="Genealog� y Her�ldica">{{cite book|title=Genealog� y Her�ldica|url= March 2013|year=1967|page=248}}</ref>

Hernando de Soto Alvaro Zambrano part of crew.<ref name="Galloway2006">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

St. Augustine, FloridaRodrigo Zambrano y Alonso Zambrano and two sisters 1 Servant.

Casa Museo Alfonso Zambrano. Woodcraft master . [ Gallery].


Fray Juan Zambrano, Chiapas, Mexico. Service to the church in 1537. <ref name="Garc�a2001">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Ecuador: MonSenor Alverto Zambrano, Bishop from Loja, Ecuador. <ref name="G�mez1981">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Mexico colonies.

<ref name="FerrariNovo1961">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Pi�a1863">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Durango Mexico.

Palacio Zambrano Juan Jose Zambrano from the Order of Santiago.<ref name="Boehm2000">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref></ref>

<ref name="The Encyclopaedia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Jalisco Mexico

Hacienda de Zambrano. Jalisco Mexico. Near Sierra de los lobos. and Leon Guanajuato.


Government Junta of Chile (1810) President Mateo de Toro Zambrano. Casa solar Casa Colorada [[2]]

New Mexico

Mission Nuestra Se�ora de los �ngeles de Porci�ncula de los Pecos Fray Pedro Zambrano Ortiz.


Mission San Fernando Rey de Espa�a Manuel Nicolas Zambrano, Order of Santiago.<ref name="Crosby2003">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Crosby2003">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Spanish Empire Netherland, Italy and (Indias America and philippines).

Don Pedro Zambrano y Gordillo, Marquez Zambrano (Marquis von zambrano)1761. Under Spanish Flanders. The title migrated to Italy under [[Ferdinand VII of Spain|Ferdinand VII.]]. <ref name="Catal�Galcer�n1769">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Fontane1848">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Oesterreichischer Beobachter">{{cite book|title=Oesterreichischer Beobachter|url= March 2013|year=1847|publisher=Strau�|pages=230�}}</ref> <ref name="BerghausHumboldt1829">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Bayreuther Zeitung">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Conversations-Lexikon der Gegenwart: In vier B�nden. K bis O">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Suplemento al Elenco de grandezas y t�tulos nobiliarios espa�oles: T�tulos vacantes y t�tulos extranjeros cuyo uso fue autorizado en Espa�a">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Der Oesterreichische Beobachter">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Ranft1762">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


[ ORLANDO JOS� ZAMBRANO B�EZ]., Born in 1� de Septiembre de 1894, and Died on 13 de Noviembre de 1959.


Juan Manuel Zambrano <ref name="CommissionCasta�eda1976">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

[ Canas de Zambrano in Texas colony 1789] Republic of Texas<ref name="Fil�solaAlmonte1849">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Teja1996">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Alam�n1850">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref


        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref><ref name="Faulk1964">
        2. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

[ Zambrano Spanish Index]

Mexico Monterey.

<ref name="Cavazos2009">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Nuevo Leon.

<ref name="Cavazos2009">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Torres2006">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="QuirogaMac�as2006">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Congress1920">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Villarreal2004">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Nueva granada (South America).

<ref name="Eli�n2001">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Cruz-Coke1995">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="IndiasHerrera1984">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Fil�solaAlmonte1848">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="VillenaSolano1993">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


<ref name="Delille1985">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Delille1988">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Passarelliitaliano1999">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="araldico1923">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Jose Zambrano y Vienna <ref name="Villena1947">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Apolant1966">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Andres Zambrano <ref name="Colecci�n de documentos in�ditos para la historia de Espa�a">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="AduarteCruz1693">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Spanish Monasteries.

<ref name="Dom�nguezAdams2012">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


<ref name="Revista hist�rica">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Los Vascos en Am�rica: Provincias de C�rdoba, Corrientes, Tucum�n, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Zorregu�etaZorreguieta2008">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="L�pez2005">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Calvo1943">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Redonnet1992">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Ramon Zambrano. <ref name="Lisb�a1992">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="O'NeillDom�nguez2001">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Groot1893">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Manuel Zambrano y Benavides. <ref name="Guzm�n2006">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Alvaro Zambrano 1770. [ Puerto Zambrano]. <ref name="Arroyo1992">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="4 Premio Somos Patrimonio: 391 experiencias de apropiaci�n social del patrimonio cultural y natural">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref> Founded House mark

zambrano in 1770, became Villa [[San Sebastian de las playas blancas]]. Colombia.

Casa Museo Alfonso Zambrano. Woodcraft master . [ Gallery].

Spanish Netherlands.

<ref name="Conversations-Lexikon der Gegenwart">{{cite book|title=Conversations-Lexikon der Gegenwart|url= December 2012|year=1840|publisher=Brockhaus|page=355}}</ref> <ref name="Der Oesterreichische Beobachter">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="Ranft1762">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

<ref name="�sterreichischer Beobachter">{{cite book|title=�sterreichischer Beobachter|url= December 2012|year=1839|publisher=A. Strauss|pages=1631�}}</ref> <ref name="IselinBuxtorf1742">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Canay Islands.

Zambrana House mark. <ref name="Haro1622">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Fray Pedro Zambrano

Other languages not classified

Mr. Zambrano 1825. Paris France. <ref name="Journal de Paris">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>


Juan Zambrano: [ Dads Army England]

Present times 1900-present

Lorenzo Zambrano. Alemania <ref name="Laudon2006">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Tom Zambrano. <ref name="Zambrano2003">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Lorenzo Zambrano. Mexico <ref name="Agtmael2007">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Fabio Zambrano. Colombia. <ref name="PantojaPopular1998">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Myrna Zambrano. <ref name="Zambrano1985">

        1. __author__ = 'Apoc2400'import wsgiref.handlersimport atom.urlimport gdata.serviceimport gdata.alt.appengineimport gdata.booksimport gdata.books.servicefrom google.appengine.api import memcacheimport sysimport osimport cgiimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()import reimport urllibfrom django.utils import simplejson as jsondef error(message): print 'Content-Type: text/plain' print print 'Error: ', messagedef main(): book_url = form = cgi.FieldStorage() if (not form.has_key("book_url")): error('No URL.') return book_url = form["book_url"].value if (not form.has_key("callback")): error('No callback.') return callback = form["callback"].value memcache_key = '5:' + os.environ['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] + '/' + callback + ':' + book_url memcache_jsonp = memcache.get(memcache_key) if memcache_jsonp is not None: #print >> sys.stderr, "From memcache: " + memcache_key print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print memcache_jsonp return else: #print >> sys.stderr, "From fetch: " + memcache_key pass dateformat = if (form.has_key("dateformat")): dateformat = form["dateformat"].value checked_dmy = checked_mdy = checked_ymd = if dateformat == 'dmy': checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'mdy': checked_mdy = ' checked="1"' elif dateformat == 'ymd': checked_ymd = ' checked="1"' else: checked_dmy = ' checked="1"' dateformat = 'dmy' if not'', book_url, re.I) and not'\\?id=', book_url, re.I): error('Not a Google Books URL.') return urlsep ='\\?([^#]*)', book_url) if not urlsep: error('Bad URL.') return book_url_qs = book_url_qs_fields = cgi.parse_qs(book_url_qs) if not book_url_qs_fields.has_key("id"): error('Bad URL. It has to be for a specific book, not a search result page') return book_id = book_url_qs_fields["id"][0] page = page_string = if book_url_qs_fields.has_key('pg'): page_string = book_url_qs_fields['pg'][0] match ='\\D*(\\d+)', page_string) if match: page = + u"\\u2013".encode("utf-8") new_url = '' + urllib.quote_plus(book_id) if page_string: new_url += '&pg=' + urllib.quote_plus(page_string) client = gdata.books.service.BookService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) thisbook = client.get_by_google_id(book_id) # '8cp-Z_G42g4C' thisdict = thisbook.to_dict() #thisdict = {'embeddability': 'embeddable', 'info': '', 'description': 'Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3 explores an iconoclastic religious movement initiated by a Muslim preacher during the French colonial period. Employing an ethnographic approach that respects the testimony of those who suffered violence as opposed to those who wanted to "get rid of custom," this work discusses the extent to which iconoclasm produces a rupture of religious knowledge and identity and analyzes its relevance in the making of modern nations and citizens. The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coastexamines the historical complexity of the interface between Islam, traditional religions, and Christianity in West Africa, and how this interface connects to dramatic political change. The book unveils a rare history and brokers a dialogue between a long tradition of anthropology and contemporary anthropological debates. A wide range of readers, particularly those with an interest in the anthropology of religion, iconoclasm, the history and anthropology of West Africa, or the politics of heritage, will gravitate toward this work.', 'format': 'book', 'publishers': ['Edinburgh University Press'], 'identifiers': [('google_id', '9PE2T2a5fDYC'), ('ISBN', '0748635157'), ('ISBN', '9780748635153')], 'thumbnail': '', 'subjects': ['Iconoclasm', 'Guinea', 'Iconoclasm/ Guinea', 'Religion and politics', 'History / Europe / General', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General', 'Social Science / Customs & Traditions', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Comparative Religion', 'History / General', 'History / Africa / General', 'Religion / Ethnic & Tribal', 'Religion / Islam / General', 'Religion / Religion, Politics & State', 'Social Science / Human Geography', 'Social Science / Islamic Studies', 'Travel / Africa / General'], 'authors': ['Ramon Sarr\\xc3\\xb3', 'John Smith', 'Jane Smith', 'Olaus Petrus', 'Mick Paff'], 'date': '2009-05-03', 'title': 'The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone', 'viewability': 'view_partial', 'annotation': ''} #print 'Got dict: ' + str(thisdict)+ '
          ' #print thisdict['title'], "
          " title = thisdict['title'] if thisdict.has_key('title') else
          date = thisdict['date'] if thisdict.has_key('date') else publisher = (', '.join(thisdict['publishers'])) if thisdict.has_key('publishers') else authors = thisdict['authors'] if thisdict.has_key('authors') else coauthors = ', '.join(authors[3:]) isbn = issn = iccn = oclc = other_id_list = [] otherfields = [] if thisdict.has_key('identifiers'): for idpair in thisdict['identifiers']: if idpair[0].lower() == 'google_id': pass elif idpair[0].lower() == 'isbn': if len(idpair[1]) >= len(isbn): isbn = idpair[1] # Only keep the longest ISBN elif idpair[0].lower() == 'issn': issn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:ISSN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'lccn': lccn = idpair[1] other_id_list.append('Template:LCCN') elif idpair[0].lower() == 'oclc': oclc = idpair[1] otherfields.append('oclc=' + oclc) elif idpair[0].lower() == 'doi': otherfields.append('doi=' + idpair[1]) else: other_id_list.append(idpair[0] + ':' + idpair[1]) other_id = ', '.join(other_id_list) if len(other_id): otherfields.append('id=' + other_id) bookdata = {'title': title, 'isbn': isbn, 'publisher': publisher, 'pages': page, 'url': new_url, 'authors': authors, 'date': date} jsonstr = json.dumps(bookdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonp = callback + '(' + jsonstr + ');' print 'Content-Type: text/javascript' print print jsonp memcache.add(memcache_key, jsonp, 3600)if __name__ == "__main__": main()</ref>

Google map locations for Zambrana and Zambrano, City or St.

USA Streets

Zambrano ST.,+Commerce,+CA,+USA&hl=en&ftid=0x80c2ce60b75eb617:0x46475d1d204d972d,+San+Antonio,+TX,+USA&hl=en&ftid=0x865cf50c0510d017:0xd21a21a410c1e5f4,+Woodland+Park,+NJ,+USA&hl=en&ftid=0x89c2fe167237aff1:0xd865ddb3ccb4611d,+USA&hl=en&ftid=0x865fcba98a8854f7:0xe63b8e1613151fb,+San+Antonio,+TX,+USA&hl=en&ftid=0x865cf50c0510d017:0xd21a21a410c1e5f4

Zambrana ST.,+Palm+Bay,+Florida&hl=en&ftid=0x88de72a4cc6a2b73:0x686c58f33c3df90e,+North+Port,+Florida&hl=en&ftid=0x88dcace724e5a453:0x27cc5eb93a179c10,+Sebring,+Florida&hl=en&ftid=0x88dcf8ec46e6eb49:0x3665ec084c426969,+Coral+Gables,+Florida&hl=en&ftid=0x88d9c89ef41e1705:0x8212675a03f82686

Puerto Rico

Zambrana St.,+Coamo,+Puerto+Rico&hl=en&ftid=0x8c03330cb01e4457:0x45bd91acfa4dc99c

Spain Street,+Linares,+Spain&hl=en&ftid=0xd6e84ccc3a243fb:0x82eafa56194e14d4,+Zambrana,+Spain&hl=en&ftid=0xd4f920a9bceb8ed:0x1a0a255deb4bd468

Cuba, Zambrana st.,+Havana,+El+Cerro,+Havana,+Cuba&hl=en&ftid=0x88cd7a0bd1da1be5:0xd5fc39f4db6c8918

Panama, Zambrano city,+Piedra+Candela,+Renacimiento+District,+Chiriqui,+Panama&hl=en&ftid=0x8fa5ceb38f70c571:0xac2a31f80f8ae2f5

Chile, Zambrano City,+chile&hl=en&ftid=0x9663070139f06cf3:0x97f1f57d151e11f4

Mexico, Zambrano city.,+mexico&hl=en&ftid=0x842c41dd55bf3745:0x23ca16dc6886bc31

Colombia, Zambrano city,+colombia&hl=en&ftid=0x8e5f30363720210d:0x62b62cfed56f08db

Ecuador, Zambrano street,+ecuador&hl=en&ftid=0x8e2a3ccd34534d85:0x52b4dd26b2398566,+Quito,+Pichincha,+Ecuador&hl=en&ftid=0x91d59ab9f6656147:0xa6142529368d8b9d

Nicaragua, Zambrano City,+nicaragua&hl=en&ftid=0x8f73f718e2aaec19:0x3e93b2a57d0294d7

Nicaragua, Zambrana City,+nicaragua&hl=en&ftid=0x8f73f0b6d9d134b3:0x12dafd64ef6ae977

Argentina, Zambrano st.,+argentina&hl=en&ftid=0x941bc36db35534f1:0x5fdd8dd1a8325faa

Ecuador, Zambrano St.,+Quito,+Pichincha,+Ecuador&hl=en&ftid=0x91d59ab9f6656147:0xa6142529368d8b9d


Zambrano BLDG,+San+Fernando+City,+La+Union,+Region+I,+Philippines&hl=en&ftid=0x33918e41a2c2090d:0x97e3d3ec0260a805


[ Geneology Hispanic]:Good source for Hispanic Names of Regal importance.


Anaheim Public Library:If you�re a Zambrano please donate to this library for providing information for the research.

[ Spain digital public library]:I provide links to the pdf. Use Ctrl+F to look for Zambrano reference

[;jsessionid=84C84AE19AE15606E8B797D3C03ECC44 Estado Militar de Espana:] Zambrano Records and Orders of Spain they belong to.

Link to [[The Library of Congress]]

Geneanet: I surname database with heraldic data. And world wide surname population and density.

Heraldry websites

Consulta Araldica

Santiago Surname History

Template:Infobox peerage title

Template:Infobox royalty

The Santiago Familiy name or surname originates from the house of Quevedo in Pie de concha.<ref></ref> And Quevedo is from house Mantilla.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>

Quevedo arms show arms from the mantle of San Martin. Searching San Martin de quevedo. And Saint families origin.

848. Santiago. DeQuevedo house, located in the town of Pie de Concha proceeded to Santiago, whose illustrious sons are distinguished as follows: Don Pasquale and Don Domingo de Santiago, mayor of the city of Baeza in the reign of Don Alonso the Wise: the lawyer Toribio Gomez de Santiago, St. Bartholomew's College of Salamanca, the board of the Catholic Monarchs, his daughter Queen Juana and his son and successor Emperor Charles V: Don Fray Pedro de Santiago, religion overall barefoot St. Augustine, Bishop of Solsona and Lerida and Maestro Fray Juan de Santiago, known for his eloquent preaching and attractive Gold Pico Weapons of this illustrious lineageare: Silver shield and a red and white flag, held by two hands cut and bleeding 2.

� 0.6. Rodrigo Mantilla, Senior Cafa Mantilla, married Dona Maria of 7> tego Fernandez de Queuedo, died QUC 159z.procedienr.edel year folar fu dizevn name} and Mendoza, Nobiliario> * the CFAA, and folar of AI is Qucuedo Mountain, ay good kijfofdalgo delta, but not in fe�orio podero�os funds for weapons bring vn} e�cudo party eventually vneftandarte and cut it, that is l�tela half white, half colored c, and the middle cica-do is blue, right hand with three gold lilies, and the other half white cot� ?. vn black cauldron. And Caftillo: The lineage of Qucuedo is well-known in hijfofdalgo. eftos kingdoms, enjoyCafa (olariega in Pie de Concha, where 74 people have �alido � cn fr.Geronmo ejios many hijo�dalgo defta Cafa, the av in Guadalaxua, and elsewhere "')' C * itroCafltllobifit in Madrid afsifteD.FrancifcodcQueuedodclAbitodeSantiago ( juftamcrmi of RefesGodoSffol aqueltan held by IU great wit, eftudios, yefcritos, �e�or of � laTotrede uasrAbad) po� "4?2 / that here are two defta CAFAS vna faith draws deQucucdo Cafa of Santiago, and one that EFTA otr in Pie Shell enjoy ^ known both nobility and great antiquity. 'and D.AiUfi> efta.Ca�a Nu�iz of Santiago de Qucuedo defeender which will boast a and Martos, D. quefon Gua Caftro Franci�co SantiagoGuzman, Luan father Alonfode Santiago Guzman, tenors \\. I $ 5. ????4? ja ma? orazgo what DNDC Santiago, D-Iuandc mugerde Ortega and Aguilera, Queue per-Arms' fona of well known and remarkable quality. The hiftoria deGaadalaxara: The fon of do-Gone has one leros hijo�dalgo Caua Vizcaya, fu name is Pie de Concha de la Villa cieron ici na linage is Queuedo, ylaCa�adeQueuedoes in the Valley of the Vi cn Gu�aziua Pie de Concha call. Oh another Cafa Afturias Shell in Santillana-.rraen by ai * maslosQueuedos, quees�u own apellidu, vn e�cudo split into three loaves, cuclpti-ma mere right qo gold tresliles blue field inthe cauldron feguodQvnnegrojQQ silver champion, and the trio vn half red half field blanco.y by Rodrigo Msnrilla pfata.El and children D.MariadeQucuedo tuuuron fumuger Lop ^ M? Aniu, Dicgo Mantilia, D.Maria, D.Iacs) D.AoayD.VriuiafD.AldoDca and D.l�abei, what ma��doazelia, other were ca | adas, DM aria> qucera most, dexo two sons, Will * UI hij�jla husband D.Iscs tuuo Lu�n Mantilla de Soto the three men, and vna facm-, bi j 4,4.1 the adult of twelve years pafs� to Indies and China DEIDE Lima was Cutad � ^ fummvolugar.D.Ana another, and also children DELA D.Vt�uladexaron D. Aldon�� that. a. on FCIS sons, daughters} 1 and de�tos ptimos, and uncles, coc those of other lincas, fc car could ?? ooc�nros fighting men to VNtime. <ref></ref>

Santiago family crest

Red and white banner, bleeding praying hands, on silver field.

De Santiago Linage

Alonso Fernadez de Santiago Son to Sancho Fernandez de Santiago. and his wife Maria Sanz Mantilla.<ref name="Ocariz1676">{{cite book|author=Juan Fl�rez de Ocariz|title=Libro segundo de las geneaologias del Nueuo Reyno de Granada...|url= December 2012|year=1676|publisher=por Ioseph Fernandez de Buendia|pages=288�}}</ref> Founded House Santiago.


Template:Reflist Municipality local history government page. Surname sigil and information. Castles from Spain "Paradores = Goverment hostels"

[ Cartas de La Pi�ce: correspondencia con Agust�n Andreu:]This book read of a Zambrano Family living in a Castle.

[ Zambrana o Zambrano o Zambranos o Zambraos:]

[ Pruebas para ingreso de religiosos en las �rdenes de Calatrava, Alc�ntara y Montesa]

[ Gaceta de los tribunales, N�meros 1330-1381]

[ Propietarios, empresarios y empresa en el norte de M�xico: Monterrey:]

[ Caballeros de la Orden de Santiago, Siglo XVIII: Tomo IX.]

[ Caballeros de la Orden de Santiago Que Efectuaron Sus Pruebas de Ingreso ]

[ Los hombres de la Monarqu�a Universal]

[ Los Americanos en las �rdenes nobiliarias, Volumen 2]

[ Nobiliario de los reinos y se�orios de Espa�a: contiene las armas ..., Volumen 4]

[ Historia del Nuevo Reino de Granada, Volumen 2]

[3] Nobiliario de Extremadura, Volumen 8]Its shows that Zambrana and Zambrano are same family, it Shows 2 crest one As Fortune Sanchez but with gold castile. Second is castile gold only. Both Families from Fuente del Maestre.

Libros de Heraldica

[ Catalogo de la coleccion <Pellicer>, antes denominada <Grandeza de Espana>]It Read Zambrano can be spelled Cambrano.

[ Discursos historicos de la... Ciudad de Murcia. 2. Impr] On this book it reads the record of the code of arms Silver castile, on red field two silver stars with blue borders with gules. It reads Fortun Sanchez family history and he died in 1088. His Family crest is shown in the arc of alcanzar de baeza. Recall as Heros.

[ Antiguedad, y blasones de la ciudad de Lorca, y Historia de Santa Maria la ]It shows Zambrana Family using Fortun Sanchez Emblem. And that they were managers of the Castillo de Mula.

[ Colecci�n Los Zambrana: Los Zambrana]

[ Her�ldica patron�mica espa�ola y sus patron�micos compuestos:] Sanchez de Toca Castile silver, gules and blue flag in castle. Fortune Sanchez was first Zambrana.

[ Nobiliario de los reinos y se�or�os de Espa�a...: Ilustrado con un ]Shows Fortunes Sanchez Arms, Silver castle two stars red field blue borders with golden gules. Shows Saenz,Sanz And Sanchez as Children of Sancho.

[ Andaluc�a y America en el siglo XVII: actas]It reads Zambrano and Ponce de Leon Family in a tomb.

[ Apuntes para la historia de �beda recopilacion de datos exparcidos en ]

[,+sanz,+sanchez&hl=es&sa=X&ei=WA3hT5X4OMjq2QXThYzNCw&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=saenz%2C%20sanz%2C%20sanchez&f=false Estudio hist�rico sobre una familia extreme�a, los S�nchez Arjona]Its read Saenz, Sanz ,Sanchez as Saint or Santo. Looking into Zion due to Jewish Heriatge in that area. First recorded Sanchez is listed.

[ Diccionario hist�rico, geneal�gico y her�ldico de las familias ilustres de ]It Reads the tomb of Zambranos and heraldic information.

[ EL CONVENTO DE SAN JUAN BAUTISTA DE VILLALBA DEL ALCOR, UNA FUNDACION INDIANA DE 1618]It Reads that the Convent shows the Zambrano family crest next to Ponce de Leon.

[ Alrededor del mundo, Volume 5]It reads that Fortune Sanchez was a rich man in the kingdom of Alonso I of Leon. He was proud of his visigoth heritage for Don Pelayo was his Ancestor.

[ Diccionario geogr�fico-estad�stico-hist�rico de Espa�a y sus ..., Volume 9]

[ Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial] This books read that fortun sanchez or Sangiz, became King Garcia from kingdom of Galicia Squire.

[ Diario curioso, erudito, economico y comercial] It reads that Fortun Sanchez or Sangiz became squire to the king of Castile.

[ Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida] The name of Zambrano is listed in the crew as being from Burgos where the Zambrano are from. Soldiers enlisted to conquer Florida. Letter to Charles V dated 1539.

[ Primera parte de las Fundaciones de los Monasterios del Glorioso P. S ...] Provides information about Forun Sanchez Zambrana. And all his family information and his titles.

[ El Gran libro de los apellidos y la her�ldica]It read information with suit of armas. Los Americanos en Las �rdenes Nobiliarias, Volume 2] Nobiliario de los reinos y se�orios de Espa�a (revisado por A. Rujula y Busel).]Greater then Hidalgo family, And inherited the Villa Zambrana. Discursos Historicos de la Muy Noble Y Muy Leal Ciudad de Murcia By Francisco Cascales] It shows Zambrana family and Ponce de Leon united by marriage. Pedro Iniguez Zambrana children were Female. Andariegos y Pobladores: Nueva Espa�a y Nueva Galicia: Siglo XVI]It read Francisca Zambrana daughter of the Zambrana Lineage, In New Viscaya, (Mexico).] This ebook has notes of Zambrana spelled Cembrana.] This book shows zambrano crest description.]I found the book i was looking for after reading about the wrong fortun Sanchez i will be deleting the books that dont relate to this fortun sanchez of the Mendoza family.] The white lord of VIzcaya.] Defeted the Moors advance to france.] Senorios de Viscaya.] Senores de Biscaya. Zambrano family recorded with same arms as Zambrana refer to as being the same. And that they travel to America or "Indias" Fray Pedro Zambrano New Mexico. Zambrana y Zambrano conection, Follow the family crest and city arms Castile silver on red field is Zambrano, Haro relatives are Elm tree on silver field, Medina de pomar is another castle contacting the locals for more infromation

[[:Category: Zambrano, Spain, Castillo, Palace, Casa, Santiago, Calatrava, Montesa, Alcantara, Genealogy, Espa�a , Alta California, Florida, Nueva Granada, Granada, Basque, Vasco, Castilla, Castile, Grandee .]]