Ohio Genealogical Society
611 State Route 97 West
Bellville, OH 44813-8813
Membership includes of the Ohio Genealogy News, and Ohio Genealogical Society Quarterly. The society also publishes two additional quarterlies: Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, and the Ohio Civil War Genealogy Journal, available through separate subscriptions. The society has an annual conference, 100 county chapters, four lineage societies including First Families of Ohio, Settlers & Builders of Ohio, Century Families of Ohio and Society of Civil War Families of Ohio. They publish various items of genealogical and historical interest. This library contains over 40,000 books alphabetically by state/county/subject, family vertical files, Bible records, ancestors cards, manuscript files, census microfilm, and a broad variety of other valuable resources for research in Ohio and other states as well. A response to a written request for general and specific information is answered promptly, cordially, and very thoroughly.